Unlocking the Power of BMW Connected Alexa Skill: Voice Command Examples

Unlocking the Power of BMW Connected Alexa Skill allows you to seamlessly connect your BMW with your Amazon Alexa device, giving you the convenience of controlling various aspects of your vehicle with just your voice. Below are some voice command examples that you can use to make the most out of this innovative feature.

#1: Navigation Commands

“Alexa, ask BMW Connected to navigate to the nearest gas station.”
“Alexa, tell BMW Connected to find the fastest route home.”
“Alexa, ask BMW Connected for directions to the nearest shopping mall.”

#2: Vehicle Control Commands

“Alexa, tell BMW Connected to lock my car.”
“Alexa, ask BMW Connected to start the engine.”
“Alexa, tell BMW Connected to turn on the air conditioning.”

#3: Remote Parking Commands

“Alexa, ask BMW Connected to park my car remotely.”
“Alexa, tell BMW Connected to pull out of the parking space.”
“Alexa, ask BMW Connected to park in a tight spot.”

#4: Climate Control Commands

“Alexa, tell BMW Connected to set the temperature to 72 degrees.”
“Alexa, ask BMW Connected to turn on the heated seats.”
“Alexa, tell BMW Connected to defrost the windows.”

#5: Service and Maintenance Commands

“Alexa, ask BMW Connected to schedule a service appointment.”
“Alexa, tell BMW Connected to check my tire pressure.”
“Alexa, ask BMW Connected for the next maintenance due date.”