Ultimate Guide to BMW Connected Alexa Skill Commands

In this ultimate guide, we will explore a comprehensive list of BMW Connected Alexa Skill commands that you can use to enhance your driving experience. Below are some voice command examples you can start using right away to control various features of your BMW vehicle with just your voice.

#1 Vehicle Control Commands

“Lock my BMW.”
“Unlock my BMW.”
“Start my BMW.”
“Stop my BMW.”
“Turn on the lights in my BMW.”
“Activate the climate control in my BMW.”

#2 Navigation Commands

“Navigate to the nearest gas station.”
“Take me to the nearest BMW dealership.”
“Find the closest parking lot.”
“Get directions to my saved home address.”
“Plan a route with charging stations for my electric BMW.”

#3 Entertainment Commands

“Play my favorite playlist.”
“Skip this song.”
“Turn up the volume in my BMW.”
“Play the latest news updates.”
“Find a nearby radio station.”

#4 Communication Commands

“Call John Doe.”
“Send a text message to Jane Smith.”
“Read my latest emails.”
“Answer the incoming call.”
“Start a conference call with my contacts.”

#5 Information Commands

“What is the weather like in New York City?”
“Tell me the latest stock market news.”
“What time is it in London?”
“Give me a traffic update for my route.”
“Find the nearest coffee shop.”