Top Amazon Music Alexa Commands for Effortless Control

If you’re an Amazon Alexa user, you likely know that the voice assistant can control your music playback seamlessly. But did you know that there are specific voice commands that you can use to navigate Amazon Music on your Alexa device without lifting a finger? Below are some examples of Top Amazon Music Alexa commands for Effortless Control that you can try out to make your listening experience even more convenient.

#1 Playback Control

“Play [song/album/artist/genre/playlist name]”
“Fast forward X seconds”
“Rewind X seconds”
“Play the next/previous album”
“Play the next/previous song in playlist”

#2 Queue Playback

“Add this song to my queue”
“Add this album to my queue”
“Add this artist to my queue”
“Add this playlist to my queue”
“Current playing queue”
“Remove this song/album/artist/playlist from my queue”

#3 Shuffle and Repeat

“Turn off shuffle”
“Turn off repeat”
“Repeat this song/album”
“Repeat this playlist”

#4 Control the Volume and Equalizer

“Turn up/down the volume”
“Set the volume to X%”
“Change the EQ to bass/flat/treble”

#5 Know What’s Playing and Information

“What’s playing right now?”
“Who’s singing this song?”
“Tell me more about this artist”
“Tell me more about this song/album”
“What year was this song/album released?”