10 TODOIST Commands for Google Assistant

“OK Google, let me talk to Todoist”

“OK Google, ask Todoist what’s due {day}”. Example: “OK Google, ask Todoist what’s due today

“OK Google, ask Todoist to add a task to {task name} {day}”. Example: “OK Google, ask Todoist to add a task to pick up the kids tomorrow

“OK Google, ask Todoist to add task to {task name} {day}”. Example: “OK Google, ask Todoist to add task to wash the car today

“OK Google, ask Todoist to add a task to {task name} {day} at {times}”. Example: “OK Google, ask Todoist to add a task to pick up the kids tomorrow at 4 pm

“OK Google, ask Todoist to list the tasks in my {file name}”. Example: “OK Google, ask Todoist to list the tasks in my work project

“OK Google, ask Todoist to complete my task {task name}”. Example: “OK Google, ask Todoist to complete my task mow the lawn

“OK Google, ask Todoist to complete the task called {task name}”. Example: “OK Google, ask Todoist to complete the task called transcribe interview

“OK Google, ask Todoist what do I have due on {day}?”. Example: “OK Google, ask Todoist what do I have due on Sunday?”

“OK Google, ask Todoist what’s due in my {file name}?”. Example: “OK Google, ask Todoist what’s due in my podcast project?”