Tickle Your Funny Bone with Hilarious Siri Voice Commands

Tickle Your Funny Bone with Hilarious Siri voice commands

Siri is more than just a personal assistant; it can be your comedy buddy too! With its witty responses and hilarious comebacks, you can spend hours entertaining yourself just by asking Siri random questions. To give you a head start, below are some voice command examples you can use to tickle your funny bone with Siri’s hilarious voice commands.

#1 Random Jokes

“Tell me a joke, Siri.”
“Knock, Knock.”
“Why did the tomato turn red?”
“Do you have a favorite animal, Siri?”
“What did one iPhone say to the other iPhone when they met?”

#2 Pop Culture References

“What’s the meaning of life, Siri?”
“Do you watch Game of Thrones?”
“Who’s your favorite Star Wars character?”
“Who do you think will be the next James Bond?”
“What do you think about the Joker movie?”

#3 Personalized Responses

“What are you wearing, Siri?”
“Who’s your favorite person?”
“Are you single, Siri?”
“Do you have a boyfriend?”

#4 Siri’s Comebacks

“Why did the chicken cross the road?”
“How much do you weigh?”
“Where do babies come from?”
“What’s your social security number?”
“Are you a robot or a human?”

#5 Movie and TV Quotes

“May the force be with you.”
“I’ll be back.”
“Here’s Johnny!”
“My precious!”
“Beam me up, Scotty!”

Siri can be an endless source of entertainment with its witty and humorous voice commands. So go ahead and ask Siri some questions to tickle your funny bone!