Superb ChatGPT Prompt for Teaching

ChatGPT is an exciting new AI chatbot that has tremendous potential to support teaching and learning. As an educator, you can leverage ChatGPT in creative ways to save time, generate ideas, and enhance instruction. However, getting the most out of this tool requires crafting effective prompts.

In this article, we’ll explore superb prompts that tap into ChatGPT’s capabilities for the classroom. Whether you teach elementary students or university scholars, you’re sure to find prompts that inspire innovative lessons.

AI Prompts for Personalized Learning

One of ChatGPT’s superpowers is generating personalized content and recommendations. Take advantage of this with prompts like:

Suggest three websites that would help my 2nd grade students learn more about dinosaurs. The websites should be interactive, have visuals and videos, and define vocabulary.  

You can easily tailor this prompt by specifying grade level, topic, or student needs. Get ideas for differentiated activities, targeted practice, and individualized feedback.

Prompts for Saving Teacher Time

Teaching is demanding. Lighten your workload with ChatGPT prompts like:

Generate a multiple choice quiz with 15 questions reviewing key events and figures from the Civil Rights Movement. Include an answer key.  

In seconds, you have a customized assessment saved to Google Drive for easy distribution. Whether you need quizzes, worksheets, rubrics, or lesson plans, ChatGPT accelerates the process.

Creative Lesson Planning Prompts

Unleash your imagination with prompts like:

Suggest a hands-on activity to teach 3rd graders about plant life cycles. Describe the materials needed, procedures for students to follow, and connections to curriculum standards.  

ChatGPT can brainstorm fresh, engaging lesson ideas tailored to your classroom. Its suggestions might just spark that perfect learning experience.

Prompts for Classroom Collaboration

Encourage teamwork and discussion by having ChatGPT generate prompts like:

Write 5 open-ended discussion questions about the key themes in To Kill a Mockingbird. The questions should promote dialogue about morality, justice, race and have no single right answer. 

By tailoring questions to curricular topics, you promote rich, student-centered conversations.

Useful Websites

The possibilities with ChatGPT prompts are endless. Start experimenting today to take your instruction to the next level!

Prompt Engineering for Optimal Responses

Crafting effective ChatGPT prompts is an art. Follow these best practices to engineer optimal responses:

Be Specific

Vague questions beget vague answers. Include details like:

  • Grade level
  • Number of questions/examples
  • Time period, literary work, etc.
  • Any special student needs

Set the Context

Give ChatGPT background on your classroom and curriculum standards. The more context the better.

Limit Scope

Focus prompts on one task or topic. Broad prompts can derail ChatGPT. Break bigger requests into logical chunks.

Check for Understanding

Review ChatGPT’s initial responses for relevance. Ask clarifying follow-ups to steer it back on track.

Revise and Refine

Tweak prompts that miss the mark. Rephrase using key details and vocabulary from curriculum.

With each iteration, you’ll become a better prompt engineer. And ChatGPT’s performance will improve too.

Try These Classroom Prompts

Inspire your next lesson with these prompts:

English Language Arts

Suggest a short story that would appeal to 7th graders and connect to our unit on the human condition. Outline 5 text-dependent questions with sample responses that promote critical thinking skills.  


Create a math scavenger hunt appropriate for 4th graders reviewing multiplication skills. List 10 clues phrased as word problems that lead students around the classroom to find solutions.   


Describe a science experiment high schoolers could conduct to model the greenhouse effect. Explain the hypothesis, materials, procedures, and data collection involved.


Write a script for a 3-4 minute podcast episode for 9th graders about how the printing press impacted the Renaissance. Include key details about the technology and its effects.

The more you prompt, the more ideas you’ll generate. Let ChatGPT supercharge your lessons with these superb teaching prompts.