Stable Diffusion Prompts for Camera Angle

Controlling the camera angle in images generated by Stable Diffusion can greatly enhance the creativity and visual impact of the results. By specifying different camera positions, perspectives, and fields of view, you can dramatically change the look and feel of the generated image.

Here are some of the most useful camera prompts to try in Stable Diffusion:

Camera Height

Eye Level – This will position the camera at the typical human eye level perspective. For example:

A lone man standing on a tropical beach, eye level perspective

Low Angle – Makes the subject look powerful or significant by shooting from below. For example:

Low angle view of a futuristic skyscraper, sharp focus, detailed

High Angle – Diminishes the subject by shooting from above. For example:

A small village in a valley, high angle perspective, detailed

Bird’s Eye View – Shoots directly from above, showing an overview of the scene. For example:

Bird's eye view of Times Square in New York City, crowded with people

Camera Orientation

Frontal View – Faces the subject head-on. For example:

Frontal view of a lion with a magnificent mane, detailed fur

Side View – Captures the subject from the side. For example:

The towering peak of Mount Everest, dramatic side view perspective  

Rear View – Shoots the back of the subject. For example:

Rear view of a modern mansion, glass walls, infinity pool

Overhead View – Looks directly down on the subject. For example:

Overhead view of a bowl of ramen, steam rising, photorealistic

Field of View

Close-up View – Focuses tightly on a detail of the subject. For example:

Extreme close-up view of a dewdrop on a flower petal 

Wide Angle View – Captures a wide panoramic perspective. For example:

Heroic knight on horseback, epic wide angle perspective, cinematic 

Fisheye View – Creates a warped hemispherical effect. For example:

Fisheye view of a crowded concert, bright stage lights  

By combining different camera height, orientation, and field of view prompts, you can produce truly unique and dramatic AI-generated images. Don’t be afraid to experiment!

Advanced Camera Prompts

For even more control over camera angles, you can specify the exact focal length and aperture settings:

85mm lens, f/2.8 aperture, shallow depth of field, soft bokeh effect

Or simulate camera movement prompts:

Tracking shot following a cheetah running across the savanna 

Cinematic camera prompts work well too:

Dramatic low angle cinematic shot of a rocket launch

And don’t forget lighting:

Backlit silhouette of a ballerina, rim lighting

With the right camera prompts, you can push Stable Diffusion to render images from new angles and perspectives. Keep refining your prompts and have fun capturing unique views!

Useful Resources

Here are some helpful sites for finding more AI prompt examples:

  • Promptomania – User-submitted prompt database
  • Lexica – Prompt search engine and inspiration
  • PromptBase – Another prompt sharing community


Controlling the virtual camera inside Stable Diffusion opens up creative possibilities that are simply not possible in the real world. By crafting detailed camera prompts with different positions, orientations, and fields of view, you can dramatically enhance your AI-generated art. Use the examples in this guide as inspiration, and keep refining your prompts until you capture the perfect perspective. The possibilities are endless!