Stable Diffusion Prompt Queue

Stable Diffusion is a powerful AI image generation tool, but generating multiple images with different prompts and settings can be time-consuming. Prompt queues allow you to line up multiple image generation tasks and let Stable Diffusion run through them automatically.

Prompt queues make it easy to:

  • Test out variations of prompts, models, seeds, etc.
  • Prioritize important tasks while background tasks run unattended
  • Organize and iterate on past image generation attempts

How Do Prompt Queues Work?

With a prompt queue, you can add multiple text prompts or image prompts to a queue. You can customize settings like:

  • Resolution
  • Sampling method
  • Steps
  • Model

For each prompt in the queue, you can configure different settings.

Once your queue is set up, Stable Diffusion will automatically start with the first prompt and generate images according to the settings you chose. It will then continue down the list until every prompt in the queue has been processed.

The queue keeps running in the background even if you switch tasks on your computer. And you can always pause, cancel, or clear the queue at any time.

Setting Up Prompt Queues

Here are the main options for setting up a prompt queue with Stable Diffusion:

Using the Web UI

The Web UI is the official browser-based interface for Stable Diffusion.

To use a prompt queue:

  1. Click on the “Queue” button
  2. Choose to create a text file queue or image queue
  3. Select your queue file containing prompts on separate lines
  4. Configure queue settings like batch size
  5. Click “Start Queue”

Benefits: Simple graphical interface. Easy to pause, cancel, and monitor queues.

Drawbacks: Limited customization options compared to scripts.

Using Scripts

Scripts allow advanced users to automate Stable Diffusion features like prompt queues.

With Python scripts, you can programmatically:

  • Build prompt queues
  • Customize image generation parameters
  • Process queue results

Benefits: Maximum flexibility and customization. Integrates with other Python code.

Drawbacks: Requires Python and programming skills.

Using Extensions

Extensions like Agent Scheduler add extra features to the Web UI, such as robust queue management.

With Agent Scheduler, you can:

  • Rename, bookmark, and re-queue old tasks
  • Prioritize tasks
  • Process queues overnight

Benefits: More queue options without coding. Simple installation.

Drawbacks: Limited flexibility compared to scripts.

Using Alternative Interfaces

Alternative interfaces like Automatic1111’s WebUI, InvokeAI, and Comfy UI also support prompt queues.

These tools offer features like:

  • Cloud processing for faster image generation
  • Advanced queue configuration settings
  • Collaborative editing

Benefits: Convenient cloud processing and collaboration features.

Drawbacks: Migration/setup required if switching from Web UI.

Prompt Queue Best Practices

Here are some top tips for getting the most out of Stable Diffusion prompt queues:

Structure Your Prompts

Carefully structure your prompts for clarity:

  • Put prompt on one line, settings on next lines
  • Separate words/phrases with commas
  • Use consistent formatting for all prompts

This makes it easier to scan and modify your queue.

Use Descriptive File Names

Name your queue files descriptively like:

  • project_name_variations.txt
  • 2023-01-05_portrait_queue.txt

This helps you identify and organize queue files.

Start Small

When first setting up a queue, start small with around 5-10 prompts.

Review the initial results before running a bigger batch. This helps catch any prompt issues early.

Check Back Often

Check back on your queue frequently. Look at images as they are generated to catch issues early before the full queue finishes.

Refine and Re-Queue

Refine prompts in the queue file based on your review. Re-run improved prompts by re-queuing files.

Advanced Prompt Queue Methods

Here are some more advanced techniques for power users:

Chaining Queues

You can chain prompt queues together by creating a master queue file that loads other queue files in sequence. This allows you to break up prompts into logical batches.

Using Variables

Python scripts can build queues dynamically using variables instead of static prompts. This makes it easy to create systematic variations.

For example, you can vary categories, styles, and other properties.

Processing Images

Use Python scripts for post-processing like automatically cropping, scaling, or filtering images after generation. This saves time compared to manually reviewing and editing images.

Cloud Processing

Cloud services offer more processing power for faster queue throughput without buying more GPUs. This works well for very large, time-consuming queues.

Popular services like RunPod auto-scale to handle queue loads.

Helpful Prompt Queue Tools

Here are some handy prompt queue tools for Stable Diffusion:

Useful Prompt Engineering Resources

To build effective prompt queues, also leverage these prompt engineering resources:

  • PromptHero – Searchable prompt database with examples
  • DreamStudio – Visual prompt programming tool
  • Lexica – Dataset for analyzing text-to-image algorithms


Prompt queues unlock the true power of Stable Diffusion by allowing fast iteration and exploration. Whether you use simple text files or advanced scripts, queues automate the repetitive parts of image generation.

Now you have a solid grasp of how to create prompt queues for methodically testing prompt variations. You also know tools and best practices for effectively managing this queue-based workflow.

Put these techniques into practice to accelerate your next Stable Diffusion project!

Useful websites: