Stable Diffusion Prompt Pipe

Stable Diffusion is an AI system that generates images from text prompts. Crafting effective prompts is key to getting good results from the model. In this article, I’ll share my expertise on writing Stable Diffusion prompts, including plenty of examples and tips.

Over time, I’ve developed a prompt engineering process that works well. Here’s an overview of the key steps:

  • Understand how Stable Diffusion interprets prompts
  • Brainstorm descriptive keywords and styles
  • Write a detailed prompt
  • Test and refine the prompt

Follow along to see this process in action!

How Stable Diffusion Understands Prompts

Stable Diffusion is trained on image-text pairs, learning to generate images that match text descriptions. The model looks for specific details in prompts to depict.

For example, “a photo of a cat” produces very different results from “an oil painting of a ginger cat with green eyes”.

The more descriptive the prompt, the better the output will match your vision. Let’s look at some examples:

Prompt 1: a beautiful landscape
Prompt 2: an oil painting of a Mediterranean seaside village at sunset with colorful buildings and boats in the harbor

Prompt 2 gives the model more to work with, resulting in more consistent, detailed results.

Brainstorm Descriptive Keywords and Styles

Before writing a prompt, brainstorm the key qualities you want in your generated image:

  • Subject matter
  • Color scheme
  • Composition
  • Medium (photo, painting, etc.)
  • Emotional qualities
  • Extra details

Also decide if you want to specify an art style, like Cubism or Art Deco.

Write down all the descriptive terms you can think of. These keywords are the ingredients for crafting a successful prompt.

Write a Detailed Prompt

With your list of keywords, construct a detailed prompt that describes exactly what you want to generate.

  • Summarize the subject matter first
  • Then add descriptive details about colors, composition, style, etc.
  • Use comma separators between different prompt elements

For example:

A majestic white Bengal tiger with blue eyes, digital art, matte painting trending on ArtStation HQ

After writing your prompt, check it against your list of keywords to ensure you included all the necessary details.

Test and Refine the Prompt

Now comes the fun part – seeing what Stable Diffusion creates!

Test your prompt and examine the results critically. Ask yourself:

  • Does the output match what I envisioned?
  • Are all the key details present?
  • Is anything unclear or ambiguous?

If needed, tweak the wording to add or emphasize certain keywords. Often just changing one term can produce better results that align with your creative vision.

Be prepared to run through multiple iterations until the images consistently match what you intended. Over time, you’ll learn what wording works best to communicate your desires to Stable Diffusion.

Advanced Prompt Engineering Techniques

As you become more experienced with Stable Diffusion, try out these advanced prompting methods to further improve image quality and consistency.

Use Weighted Prompts

You can tell Stable Diffusion to focus more on certain words by assigning weights to prompt terms. For example:

Majestic+++ white++ Bengal++ tiger with blue++ eyes, digital art

The more + symbols, the more emphasis on that keyword. This helps ensure the model prioritizes your most important details.

Guide With Image Examples

Including links to example images that match your vision is an excellent way to guide Stable Diffusion. Simply add the links in parentheses at the end of your prompt.

A majestic white Bengal tiger with blue eyes, digital art (example1.jpg, example2.jpg)

This shows the model exactly what you’re going for.

Use Negative Prompts

You can also specify things you don’t want to appear by prefixing unwanted terms with “-” or “–“. For example:

Majestic white Bengal tiger with blue eyes --no text --blurry 

Negative prompts help eliminate inconsistencies and flaws in generated images.

Helpful Prompt Websites

Here are some useful sites for exploring Stable Diffusion prompts:

These tools can provide inspiration and kickstart your own prompt engineering efforts.


With the right approach, crafting effective Stable Diffusion prompts is very achievable. Start by understanding how the model interprets prompts, then brainstorm descriptive details and styles. Write a detailed prompt, test it out, and refine the wording based on the results. And take advantage of advanced techniques like weighted prompts, image guidance, and negative prompts.

What unique prompts have you created with Stable Diffusion? Share your experiences in the comments!