Stable Diffusion Prompt Parameters

Crafting the perfect prompt is key to generating incredible AI art with Stable Diffusion. As an aspiring prompt engineer, understanding the different parameters and how to tweak them is essential to creating images that match your creative vision.

In this guide, I’ll share my personal insights and expertise on the topic, specifically focused on the key parameters worth mastering. My goal is to help you become a prompt pro!


The seed parameter controls the randomness in Stable Diffusion’s image generation process. Using the same seed value with the same prompt will output the same image every time. Here’s why this matters:

  • Consistency – If you create an image you love, jot down the seed so you can regenerate it perfectly again later.
  • Control – Slightly adjust the seed to introduce controlled variation. This is great for dialing in consistent facial features or other elements.

I typically start with a random seed, then zero-in on my favorite outputs by finely tuning the seed value. This gives me better creative control.

CFG Scale

This arcane-sounding parameter balances coherence vs fidelity in the generated images. Here’s how to use it:

  • Low CFG (7-14) – Best for simple prompts or concepts. Maintains coherence well.
  • Mid CFG (15-20) – Allows more prompt complexity without loss of quality. My personal sweet spot.
  • High CFG (20+) – Only recommended for detailed prompts. Risks weird artifacts.

I suggest starting mid-range at CFG 15 then moving up or down as needed. Boldly experiment – this parameter massively impacts output quality!


This controls the diffusion algorithm used to transform noise into images. Different samplers have distinct strengths:

  • DDIM – Generates quickly with decent quality. Great for testing prompts.
  • K-Euler – Slower but higher fidelity. My top choice for final renders.
  • K-Euler A – A middle ground between quality and speed.

I use DDIM for rapid iteration when designing a prompt, then switch to K-Euler for production-ready images. This balanced approach gets me to the finish line faster.


The steps parameter sets how many diffusion iterations are run to convert noise into an image. More steps yield better quality but take longer to generate. I use:

  • 10-15 steps – Low steps for early testing.
  • 25-50 steps – High steps for final images I’ll use publicly.

Dial this parameter way up when you want ultra-detailed results – it makes a huge difference! But keep steps lower when you need faster iteration.

Negative Prompt

This prompt subtracts unwanted elements from your generated images. Some best practices:

  • List elements line-by-line for easier editing
  • Use broad categories like “text” or “logo” rather than specific brands
  • Prioritize subtracting common AI flaws like extra limbs

Negative prompts are powerful but easy to overdo. I suggest starting with 3-5 common unwanted elements, then tweak from there.


With this starter guide to key parameters under your belt, you’re ready to start engineering incredible prompts. Remember to:

  • Tune the seed for controlled variation
  • Balance coherence and fidelity with CFG scale
  • Optimize sampling and steps for quality and speed
  • Subtract flaws selectively with negative prompt

Wishing you the best on your journey to becoming a prompt pro! Never stop experimenting boldly – it’s the only way to push past creative roadblocks.

Prompt Engineering Resources

Here are some of my favorite resources for continuing your prompt education: