Stable Diffusion Prompt Mixing

Stable Diffusion is a powerful AI image generation tool that creates images from text prompts. With prompt mixing, you can blend multiple prompts together to guide Stable Diffusion to generate more creative and customized images.

In this article, I’ll provide an overview of prompt mixing in Stable Diffusion and share tips, examples, and resources to help you get started with this advanced technique.

What is Prompt Mixing?

Prompt mixing allows you to combine multiple prompts into one master prompt to generate images. For example, you could mix:

  • Multiple styles (e.g. anime + renaissance painting)
  • Different subjects (e.g. cat + coffee cup)
  • Opposing concepts (e.g. futuristic + vintage)

By mixing prompts, you give Stable Diffusion more diverse inspiration to pull from. This leads to more unique and unexpected results compared to using a single prompt.

The key is to balance the prompts so one doesn’t overpower the rest. You can control this by assigning weights to each prompt. Higher weights make those prompts more prominent.

Getting Started with Prompt Mixing

Prompt mixing opens up new creative possibilities, but it can be tricky when you’re just starting out. Here are some tips to help you take your first steps:

1. Mix Two Simple Prompts First

I recommend focusing on just two prompts in the beginning. For example:

(fantasy landscape):0.7, (studio ghibli):0.3 

This mixes a fantasy landscape with some Studio Ghibli flair. The 0.7 and 0.3 weights indicate how much influence each prompt has.

Once you get the hang of mixing two prompts, you can start experimenting with more!

2. Use Parentheses and Commas

Parentheses around prompts and commas between them is the standard syntax for prompt mixing. For example:

(girl), (blue eyes), (pink dress)

The commas clearly separate each prompt so Stable Diffusion understands them as distinct concepts to mix.

3. Experiment with Different Weights

The weights you assign to prompts make a huge difference in the final image. My recommendation is to start with weights that add up to 1. For example:

(fantasy landscape):0.7, (studio ghibli):0.3

Higher weights make a prompt more prominent, while lower weights downplay it. You can tweak the weights over multiple generations to strike the right balance.

Advanced Prompt Mixing Techniques

Once you get comfortable with the basics, there are all sorts of creative ways to take prompt mixing further. Here are some advanced techniques to try:

Scheduling Prompts

You can schedule which prompts influence the image at different stages of the image generation process.

For example, this prompt mixes a wizard and an astronaut, but starts with the wizard for the first 25 steps before bringing in the astronaut:

(wizard), (astronaut:25)

Scheduling allows you to have one prompt lay the foundation before mixing in other concepts partway through.

Mixing Subjects and Styles

An effective prompt mixing technique is to combine a subject prompt with a style prompt.

For example, you can generate a cat in the artistic style of Van Gogh:

(cat), (Van Gogh's Starry Night style)

Mixing subjects and styles creates images with visual flair you won’t get from prompts alone.

Using Multiple Style References

You can mix multiple style references together to create a unique visual style.

For example, this prompt mixes the styles of both anime and impressionist painting:

(anime style), (impressionist painting style)

Combining styles often yields eye-catching results as Stable Diffusion blends stylistic elements in novel ways.

Prompt Mixing Inspiration

Need some prompt mixing ideas to boost your creativity? Here are examples to inspire your own mixed prompts:

(fantasy portrait), (art nouveau style)

(steampunk airship), (studio ghibli) 

(cottagecore), (vibrant neon)

(wizard tower), (H. R. Giger biomechanical style)

You can find more examples and inspiration by:

The possibilities are endless when you start mixing prompts, so unleash your creativity!


I hope this overview gives you a solid starting point for exploring prompt mixing with Stable Diffusion. By combining prompts, you guide the AI to generate more unique, unexpected, and captivating images.

The key is to start simple, get comfortable with the syntax, and then try advanced scheduling, mixing styles, using multiple style references, and more.

With practice, prompt mixing allows you to produce AI-generated art that stands out with your own personal flair. So get mixing and see what captivating images you can create!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other prompt mixing tips or tricks I should cover in a future article!