Stable Diffusion Prompt Manual

A good AI prompt clearly communicates what you want the AI to generate. It should describe the content, style, medium, and other key details.

Here are some tips for writing effective prompts:

  • Be specific and detailed. The more information you provide, the better the results. Specify things like subject matter, color palette, composition, etc.
  • Use descriptive language. Leverage adjectives and vivid descriptors to set the tone and mood.
  • Provide examples and references. Give the AI creative direction by citing specific artists, art movements, etc.
  • Use formatting for clarity. Put keywords in bold or italics to indicate importance. Capitalize proper nouns.
  • Give clear instructions. Use imperative language: “Create a…”, “Draw a…”, “Generate a…”

Image Prompts

Here are some example image prompts in different styles:

Digital Painting

A dramatic digital painting of a lone astronaut sitting on a cliff overlooking an alien ocean on a distant planet. Bold saturated colors, trending on ArtStation.

Children’s Book Illustration

An illustration of two mice making pizza in a mouse-sized kitchen, in the style of a humorous children's book. Watercolors with a limited palette.

Architectural Rendering

A photorealistic 3D architectural rendering of a modern cliffside house cantilevered over the ocean at sunset. Octane render. 

Text Prompts

AI can also generate text for things like stories, emails, and more. Here are some text prompt examples:

Short Story

Write a 650-word fantasy short story about a 12-year old wizard who discovers a magical portal in an old tree stump. The story takes place in a vibrant, mystical forest. Use vivid imagery and evocative language.

Blog Post

Write a 900-word beginner's guide to machine learning in a friendly, conversational tone. Briefly explain key concepts like neural networks, supervised vs unsupervised learning, overfitting, and more. Structure it as a blog post.

Email Template

Compose a professional email template announcing new scheduling software to a team, covering key features and benefits. Use a positive, enthusiastic tone. Include a call-to-action to attend a launch webinar.

Useful Websites