Stable Diffusion Prompt Guide Brackets

Crafting effective AI prompts is key to generating high-quality outputs from AI systems like image generators, writing assistants, and chatbots. As an AI prompt engineer, you act as the director and creative lead for the AI system, guiding it to produce what you envision.

This article will provide beginner and intermediate prompt engineers with AI prompt examples and templates to boost creativity and innovation when working with AI generative models. I’ll also share expert tips from my own experience for getting the most out of systems like DALL-E 2, Midjourney, and Anthropic’s Claude.

What Makes a Good AI Prompt?

An excellent AI prompt sets the stage for the generator to produce something useful and aligned with the user’s goals. The best prompts are detailed, specific, and provide relevant examples. Here are some characteristics of high-quality prompts:

  • Concise – Good prompts trim the fat and include only necessary details.
  • Unambiguous – Prompts should not be open to interpretation.
  • Provide Context – Give the AI generator a frame of reference.
  • Use Weights – Increase or decrease the importance of prompt elements.
  • Include Variety – Give the model options to select from.

Image Generation Prompts

Image generators like DALL-E 2 and Midjourney take text prompts and generate photographic images. Here are some examples of effective image prompts:

DALL-E 2 Prompts

A cute baby sea otter wearing a bowtie, digital art

This prompt provides details like “sea otter” and “bowtie” that DALL-E requires to generate a specific image. Using “digital art” sets the style.

Midjourney Prompts

An armchair in the shape of an avocado, sleek 3D render

Midjourney does well with prompts that are imaginative and unconventional like an avocado armchair. Specifying “3D render” defines the desired style.

Varying Styles and Mediums

Here is an example that includes variations for the AI to select from:

A still life painting of a bowl of fruit by Picasso, Monet, or Van Gogh

Long-Form Writing Prompts

AI writing assistants like Anthropic’s Claude can generate long-form content like articles, emails, speeches, and more from text prompts.

Informative Article Prompt

Write a 1000-word beginner's guide to baking bread at home, including an introduction covering basics like ingredients and equipment, a section on techniques like kneading and rising dough, and 3-4 recipes for beginner breads like banana bread or focaccia. Use headings, bulleted lists, and a friendly tone.

This prompt includes key details needed for a full how-to guide, structures the article format, specifies section topics, and defines the tone and writing style.

Creative Writing Prompt

Write a short fantasy adventure story about two friends who discover a magical portal that transports them into a whimsical world. Use rich descriptive language and an imaginative style similar to C.S. Lewis or J.K. Rowling. The story should build to an exciting climax where the friends must band together to defeat a wicked sorcerer and save the fantasy world. End with them returning home after their thrilling journey.

For creative writing, prompts should provide genre details and story beats while allowing room for the AI’s imagination to fill in specifics. Comparisons to well-known authors helps establish the desired writing voice and style.

Expert Tips for Prompt Engineering

Through extensive experimentation with AI generative models, I’ve compiled best practices to take your prompts to the next level:

Hook the Reader

  • Start prompts with vivid details to capture interest upfront.

Set Expectations

  • Define intended uses for generated content so the AI delivers what you actually need.

Limit Ambiguity

  • Restrict variables instead of leaving decisions wide open.

Guide the Tone

  • Establish the emotional tone you want readers to feel.

Visualize Outcomes

  • Imagine and describe desired results to give AI more to go on.

Increase Control

  • Use weights, brackets, and other formatting to tune prompt elements.


Crafting effective AI prompts is part art and part science. Start with these templates and tips, run experiments, and keep refining your prompts based on results. With practice, you’ll be ready to unleash your creativity using AI as a muse, partner, and digital studio.

Useful Prompt Engineering Resources: