Stable Diffusion Prompt from Image

Stable Diffusion is a powerful AI system for generating images from text descriptions. However, writing effective prompts requires some skill and knowledge to achieve the best results. This article provides prompt examples and formatting tips to help you create high-quality AI art with Stable Diffusion.

What Makes a Good Prompt?

A good Stable Diffusion prompt should:

  • Clearly describe the desired image in concrete detail
  • Use stylistic cues to guide the output style and composition
  • Leverage negation to exclude unwanted elements
  • Format prompts using markdown for clarity

Prompt Structure

Well-structured prompts generally follow this basic format:

"A highly detailed [style] digital painting of a [subject] [attributes], [style cues], [negative cues]"

Let’s break this down:

  • Style: The overall style like “digital painting” or “photograph”
  • Subject: The main focus like “wizard” or “dystopian city”
  • Attributes: Descriptors of the subject like “elderly, wearing a blue robe, half-moon spectacles”
  • Style cues: Artistic styles to mimic like “trending on ArtStation” or names of artists
  • Negative cues: Elements to exclude like “low quality, bad anatomy”

Helpful Prompt Keywords

Here are some useful keywords to include in your prompts:

Styles: digital painting, concept art, matte painting, sharp focus, illustration, art by Artgerm

Attributes: elderly, beautiful, powerful, color palette of purples and gold

Composition: centered, symmetrical, rule of thirds, golden ratio

Quality: high quality, high resolution, extremely detailed

Negatives: low quality, bad anatomy, extra fingers, mutations, poorly drawn

Prompt Examples

Here are some example prompts showcasing various styles and techniques:

Fantasy Landscape

"An expansive, misty landscape with soaring mountains, thundering waterfalls, and ruins of an ancient castle, matte painting trending on Artstation"

Anime Character Portrait

"A full body digital painting of a beautiful, powerful anime warrior woman with long pink hair, armor, and a large sword, art by Artgerm and Ross Tran, sharp focus"  

Steampunk Mech

"A close-up illustration of an intricate steampunk mechanical robot, with gears, pipes, rivets, and a glowing reactor core, artstation trending, extremely detailed, sharp focus"

Surreal Dreamscape

"A surreal, mystical landscape with floating islands, alien flora, cosmic clouds, and a central glowing tree, matte painting, art by Greg Rutkowski and Thomas Kinkade, sharp focus"

Advanced Prompt Formatting

Take your prompts to the next level by leveraging markdown formatting:

LaTeX for Math Expressions

Wrap math in double dollar signs:

"A diagram showing Schrödinger's equation $$i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\Psi=Ĥ\Psi$$"

Code Blocks for Code & Syntax Highlighting

Use triple backticks and specify language:

import torch
x = torch.rand(5, 3)

Images from Search Results

Reference an image index to render images from search results:

The image depicts the landscape from search result [1]

Headings & Lists

Use headings, bullet points, numbered lists, etc to better structure your prompt:

## Main Subject
- Wizard
- Elderly
- Wearing blue robe

## Style Cues  
1. Fantasy matte painting
2. Trending on ArtStation


Writing effective prompts is crucial for generating stunning AI art with Stable Diffusion. Use these examples and formatting tips as a starting point for creating your own unique images. Experiment with different styles, attributes, and artistic cues to guide the AI output. Refer to Stable Diffusion Prompts or the LAION dataset browser for more inspiration. Most importantly, have fun unleashing your creativity with this remarkable AI system!