Stable Diffusion Prompt for Single Person

When creating AI-generated images of people with Stable Diffusion, the prompt is key to controlling how the final image will look. A good prompt allows you to specify details like facial features, pose, expression, outfit, and more. In this article, I’ll share tips for writing effective Stable Diffusion prompts to generate images of a single person.

Why the Prompt Matters

The prompt acts as instructions for Stable Diffusion, guiding what the AI will generate. With a detailed prompt, you can have more control over the output. A vague prompt can lead to random or undesirable results. The more details you provide, the better chance Stable Diffusion has of creating what you envisioned.

Elements of an Effective Prompt

There are several key elements to include in a good single person prompt. Here are some of the most important:

Subject and Scene Details

Specify who the subject is or should look like, including gender, age range, ethnicity, etc. Describe the scene they are in and any relevant props or background elements.

For example:

A portrait photo of Sarah, a 20-year old Caucasian woman with green eyes and blonde hair. She is outdoors in a sunny park, smiling while sitting on a wooden bench with trees in the background. 

Physical Features

Describe distinctive physical attributes like hair color/style/length, eye color, skin tone, body type, distinctive facial features, and any accessories like jewelry or tattoos. Be as specific as possible.

For example:

Portrait of a muscular, middle-aged bald man with brown eyes, thick eyebrows, a long brown beard, and a septum piercing.

Emotion and Pose

Convey the desired emotion/expression through words like “happy”, “somber”, “laughing”, etc. Describe the exact pose too – standing, sitting, looking to the left, etc.

For example:

A young redheaded woman laughing with her head tilted back, eyes closed, and mouth wide open

Framing and Shot Type

Specify framing details like close-up, full body, cropped, profile, etc. Describe the camera angle if relevant.

For example:

A close-up portrait of a man from the shoulders up, shot from a low angle looking up slightly

Style and Quality Details

Describe the style you want like photorealistic, anime, CGI, painterly, etc. Specify the output quality and composition too.

For example:

A photorealistic high resolution 4K vertical portrait photo of a woman centered in the frame with soft lighting and depth of field blur

Prompt Structure Tips

Follow these prompt structure tips:

  • Put the most important details first – Stable Diffusion gives priority to early prompt text
  • Use clear language – Avoid ambiguous words that could be interpreted multiple ways
  • Specify numbers for things like age, image dimensions, exact number of people
  • Capitalize proper nouns like people names, brands, places
  • Use comma separated lists when listing multiple attributes

Example Prompts

Here are some full prompt examples for generating images of a single person:

Female Portrait

A beautiful colorful portrait painting by Alphonse Mucha of a young woman with long slightly curly red hair, sparkling green eyes, rosy cheeks, and pink lips, wearing a white floral crown, posed sitting sideways looking towards the viewer with a sweet friendly smile on her face

Male Full Body

A full body photo of a fit elderly man with a bald head, grey mustache, bushy eyebrows, and brown eyes, wearing a red checkered flannel shirt, blue jeans, and brown work boots, standing with hands on hips looking at camera laughing happily outdoors

Family Picture

A candid fun family photo of a 40 year old Chinese woman with long black hair, a 38 year old white man with short brown hair, a 10 year old Asian girl with pigtails, and a 5 year old Asian boy, all with big smiles wearing red tshirts that say "Best Family Ever" in a grassy backyard on a sunny summer day 

Useful Websites:


Writing detailed Stable Diffusion prompts is key to generating quality single person images. Focus on describing the subject, scene, physical features, emotion/pose, framing, style, and other details as specifically as possible. Structure prompts clearly and put the most important information first. Follow the tips in this guide to create effective prompts that produce the images you desire.