Stable Diffusion Prompt for Age

Stable Diffusion is an extremely powerful AI model that can generate highly realistic images from text prompts. When providing prompts related to ages, it’s important to clearly specify the desired age range to produce accurate results.

Specifying Exact Ages

To generate images of people at precise ages, the prompt structure should include the target age in parentheses after the subject. For example:

A portrait of a 5 year old boy (age 5)

The more specific the age range, the better. Stable Diffusion will aim to depict the facial features and body proportions of someone around that exact age.

Age Ranges

For wider age ranges, use phrases like “young girl (age 8-10)” or “elderly man (age 75-80)”. Some good ranges are:

  • Toddler: 1-3 years
  • Young child: 4-9 years
  • Pre-teen: 10-12 years
  • Teenager: 13-19 years
  • Young adult: 20-35 years
  • Middle age: 36-55 years
  • Senior: 56-75 years
  • Elderly: 76+ years

Subject Age Appearance

To emphasize age appearance regardless of actual number of years, use descriptive terms:

Portrait of a woman with wrinkles and gray hair (elderly appearance) 

Or conversely for a youthful look:

Man with a young, vibrant face (youthful appearance)

Age Progression Series

Stable Diffusion excels at generating consistent faces across multiple ages for the same person. For age progression, use:

A 5-image progression of the same man aging from 25 to 75 years old

This outputs a series tracking one man aging over decades.

Age Regression Series

Similarly, age regression prompts follow one person back through younger years:

A 5-image progression of the same woman aging from 75 to 25 years old

Mixing Ages

Take advantage of SD’s strong facial generation and age handling by combining ages in creative ways:

A 7 year old girl's face on a 30 year old woman's body

Childhood Version

Prompt for an adult subject’s childhood version to showcase differences over time:

Picture of Mark Zuckerberg as an 8 year old boy

Future Self

Conversely, envision a person’s future older self with:

A 70 year old version of Taylor Swift

This allows for speculative age progression.

Accuracy First

When generating faces at various ages, focus on accuracy over just appearance:

A photorealistic portrait of a 60 year old man with precise and anatomically correct facial aging

Prioritizing realism results in the most true-to-life depictions.


With the right prompts and techniques, Stable Diffusion can produce stunning images capturing subjects at nearly any age. Take time to craft detailed, descriptive prompts with exact ages or ranges, and let the AI handle the facial aging process. The results can be incredibly impressive and realistic when done properly.

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