Stable Diffusion Prompt Does Order Matter

When creating prompts for Stable Diffusion and other AI image generation models, the order of words matters. Putting key descriptive words and phrases earlier in the prompt gives them more weight and influence over the final generated image. Understanding how to structure a prompt effectively is crucial for getting good results consistently.

This article provides guidance, tips, and examples for writing effective Stable Diffusion prompts, with a focus on why order matters.

Why Prompt Order Matters

Stable Diffusion and other diffusion-based models use a technique called “classifier-free guidance”. This means that the model looks at the full prompt to understand the key elements to include in the generated image. However, not all words and phrases are treated equally.

The position of words in the prompt significantly impacts their importance. Terms at the very beginning of the prompt have the most influence. The model pays less attention to descriptors later in the sequence.

This means you need to be intentional with prompt structure. Put the most critical descriptive elements up front to make sure they are properly incorporated.

Here is a very simple example:

"a red bird"


"a bird that is red"

The first prompt is more likely to generate a predominantly red bird. The second may create a bird with some red elements, but not necessarily a fully red bird.

Prompt Order Best Practices

Follow these best practices when structuring Stable Diffusion prompts:

1. Lead with the most important descriptors

Put key details like color, size, emotion, style etc. at the very start of your prompt.

For example:

(happy), (detailed), an old pirate with a parrot on his shoulder

2. Use parentheses to weight important words

Parentheses around words boost their influence. Use them to emphasize critical descriptive terms.

For example:

(happy), (detailed portrait), an old pirate with a parrot on his shoulder

3. Structure prompts from general to specific

First provide the high-level subject, then add specific details. This clear structure helps the AI understand the hierarchical relationships.

For example:

A large green tree, oak tree with strong branches and bright fall leaves 

Prompt Order Examples

Here are some examples of how prompt order impacts the generated image:

Landscape prompt

Sunrise, misty mountains, tall pine trees, lake, dynamic composition



Dynamic composition, tall pine trees, misty mountains, sunrise, lake


Portrait prompt

(Beautiful woman), red hair, green eyeshadow, golden necklace



Golden necklace, green eyeshadow, (beautiful woman), red hair


As you can see, the first prompt in each set leads to an image that better matches the description. Putting the most important elements first ensures they get prominence in the final rendering.


  • Stable Diffusion prioritizes words at the start of prompts
  • Lead prompts with the most critical descriptors
  • Use parentheses to weight terms
  • Structure prompts from general to specific
  • Experiment with prompt order and structure for best results

Carefully organizing prompts is key to creating consistent, high quality AI-generated images. Use these order best practices as a starting point when crafting your own prompts.
