Stable Diffusion Prompt Auto Complete

Stable Diffusion is an AI image generation model that creates images from text prompts. To generate high-quality images, it’s important to provide good prompts that clearly describe the desired image characteristics.

However, coming up with effective prompts can be challenging for those new to AI art. This is where prompt auto complete tools come in handy.

Prompt auto complete provides suggestions for relevant tags and terms as you type your prompt. This helps guide prompt engineering and saves time compared to manually trying different word combinations.

In this article, I’ll showcase some of my favorite prompt auto complete tools and provide prompt examples you can try out yourself!

What Makes a Good Prompt?

Before jumping into specific tools, let’s review what makes an effective Stable Diffusion prompt:

  • Clearly describe the subject and scene – Who or what is the focus? What’s the setting or context? Be specific.
  • Provide style/medium details – Is it a painting? Sketch? Photo realistic? Specify an art style.
  • Use relevant tags – Tags help narrow down attributes and aesthetics.
  • Give lighting and angle details – Front view? Side portrait? Dynamic lighting?

The more details you provide, the better the results!

Awesome Prompt Auto Complete Extensions

Here are some great browser extensions that help auto-generate relevant prompt tags:

Stable Diffusion WebUI TagComplete

This handy extension shows tag recommendations as you type based on a database of common prompt terms.

It’s easy to filter and select tags that make sense for your image description. For example, starting a prompt with:

<A beautiful female wizard with [long wavy hair] and [a staff], wearing [a robe] and [pointed hat], standing in front of [a castle]

Gives suggestions in each bracket that you can scroll through and select without needing to manually guess options.

This saves a ton of prompting time! The extension also shows the number of matches for each tag combination, helping identify more niche vs more common terms.

Magic Prompt

Magic Prompt is a text autocomplete tool that gives full prompt suggestions based on the current input. So rather than just tags, it provides an entire prompt preamble tailored to what you have written so far.

For example, typing “a photo of a cute puppy” generates:

Here is a photo of a cute puppy, sitting in the grass on a sunny spring day. The light brown puppy has fluffy fur and floppy ears. It looks up with big brown eyes, its head slightly tilted and tongue out in a happy smile. The background is softly out of focus green grass and trees behind a shallow depth of field.

This makes it fun and easy to iterate on prompts – edit a few words and get a new suggestion. Almost like an AI assistant!

Prompt Examples to Try

Here are some fun prompts you can try out with the above tools:

Magic Wizard Portrait

A beautiful female wizard with long <[wavy hair]> and <[wizard robes]>, holding a magical <[staff]>, standing in front of a <[castle]> with light glowing from her hands. Dynamic lighting, intricate details, by Artgerm and Greg Rutkowski.

Adorable Fantasy Creature

A cute, fluffy little fox creature with <[colorful fur]> and <[big ears]>, sitting in a <[forest]> clearing surrounded by tiny glowing <[fairies]>. Warm lighting, soft focus, Disney animation style.

Epic Landscape Photo

A stunning landscape photo of a winding path through monumental <[rock formations]>, leading to an ancient stone <[archway]> covered in moss. Early morning light streams over the scene, beams of light cutting through the mist. Photographed by National Geographic.

There are so many options to explore! Start simple and add more details bit by bit until you get a result you love.

Resources for More Prompt Ideas

Here are some great sites to find more premade prompts to try or reverse engineer:

  • PromptHero – User submitted prompts with sample images
  • Lexica – Searchable database of prompts and tags
  • When Words Fly – Prompt generator with filters


I hope this overview gets you excited about leveraging prompt auto complete to improve your Stable Diffusion images!

Prompt engineering takes practice, but handy tools like tag suggestions and full prompt autocompletion help accelerate the learning process.

Try out the extensions mentioned here, play around with prompt examples, and explore prompt sites to continue leveling up your skills!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other favorite prompt tools I should check out!