Stable Diffusion Prompt Art Styles

Stable Diffusion is a powerful AI image generation model that can create images based on text prompts. With the right prompts, Stable Diffusion is capable of mimicking a wide variety of art styles. Crafting effective prompts is key to getting good results. This article provides an overview of different art styles that can be prompted in Stable Diffusion, along with prompt examples and tips.

Impressionist Style

Impressionist art is characterized by visible brush strokes, an emphasis on light and color over detail, and realistic depictions of scenes from everyday life. To prompt Stable Diffusion to generate art in an Impressionist style, keywords to include are:

  • Impressionist
  • Visible brush strokes
  • Outdoor scene
  • Soft lighting

Prompt example:

An impressionist oil painting of a sunny park with people relaxing on the grass, visible brush strokes

Surrealist Style

Surrealist art aims to unlock the unconscious mind through unexpected juxtapositions of images. Prompts for Surrealist art should include:

  • Surrealist
  • Dreamlike
  • Unexpected combinations
  • Vivid colors

Prompt example:

A surrealist digital painting of a giant snail crawling up a staircase in an orange sky, very detailed

Pop Art Style

Pop art uses recognizable imagery from popular culture rendered in an eye-catching, graphic style. Good keywords for Pop Art prompts are:

  • Pop art
  • Graphic
  • Vibrant colors
  • Popular culture reference

Prompt example:

A pop art graphic painting of Marilyn Monroe wearing Campbell's soup can earrings

Tips for Prompting Art Styles

  • Reference specific artists to better capture a style – “in the style of Van Gogh”
  • Use multiple style keywords – “impressionist, visible brush strokes”
  • Specify a medium – “oil painting”, “pen and ink drawing”
  • Give compositional details – “a close up portrait”
  • Describe lighting – “soft lighting”, “dramatic shadows”
  • Limit variation by locking down details as much as possible

Useful Websites for Stable Diffusion Prompts

Here are some helpful sites for finding and sharing Stable Diffusion prompts:

Prompt Engineering Fundamentals

Crafting effective Stable Diffusion prompts is part art, part science. Here are some key principles of prompt engineering to understand:

Be Specific

Narrow down exactly what you want to generate. Overly broad or abstract prompts produce unpredictable results.

Mind the Details

Small descriptive details make a big difference. Include colors, lighting, angles, medium, etc.

Apply Constraints

Limit what the AI generates by locking down as many details as possible. This reduces unwanted outputs.

Try Variations

Experiment with adding, removing, or changing prompt components to refine the output.

Advanced Prompting Techniques

As you become more experienced with Stable Diffusion, you can start utilizing more advanced prompting techniques:

Style Transfer

Blend multiple styles in one prompt – “A cubist interpretation of The Starry Night”

Image to Image

Seed an existing image to expand, edit, or change its style


Focus generation on certain regions of the image

Prompt Weighting

Control the influence different prompt components have on the output

Responsible AI Use

As with any powerful technology, it’s important use Stable Diffusion responsibly by:

  • Avoiding biased, dangerous, or unethical prompts
  • Giving proper artist credit and permissions
  • Considering how generated art impacts real artists

Used conscientiously, Stable Diffusion offers exciting new creative potential. With the prompting fundamentals covered here, you’re ready to start exploring that potential yourself.