Stable Diffusion Negative Prompt for Portraits

When generating portraits with Stable Diffusion, using carefully crafted negative prompts is crucial for getting high-quality results free of defects. As an avid Stable Diffusion user focusing on portrait art, I’ve compiled some of my most effective negative prompt examples over time.

In this article, I’ll provide detailed insights and prompt examples to help you make the most out of negative prompts for portraits. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your portraits to the next level, you’ll find plenty of practical tips here.

Common Portrait Issues Solved by Negative Prompts

Before we dive into prompt examples, let’s look at some common portrait issues that negative prompts can help avoid:

Strange distortions and bad anatomy

Without proper guidance, AI can warp and distort facial features in unrealistic ways. Negative prompts like “bad anatomy” instruct Stable Diffusion to avoid anatomical mistakes.

Extra or missing body parts

Stray limbs, extra eyes, missing hands – negative prompts easily fix these creepy glitches. For example, add “extra fingers” or “missing hands” to remove unwanted extras.

Low image quality and artifacts

Tell Stable Diffusion to avoid low-res, blurry, and glitchy results with prompts like “low quality”, “jpeg artifacts”, “blurry”.

Unwanted text, watermarks, logos

Specify you don’t want text overlays, watermarks, or logos using negative prompts like “text”, “watermark”, “logo”.

Crafting Effective Negative Portrait Prompts

When building negative prompts, start general and get more specific if needed. You can combine multiple prompts with commas for precise control.

Here are some examples of effective negative prompts for portraits:

General Negative Prompts

bad anatomy, errors, missing fingers, mutated hands, extra limbs, distorted proportions, disfigured face, ugly, blurry, low quality, text, watermark, logo

This covers all common portrait issues in one concise prompt. Feel free to remove terms not relevant to your needs.

Preventing Facial Distortions

bad anatomy, errors, ugly, deformed face, distorted face, unrealistic face, mutated face, fused face 

Focus specifically on avoiding facial distortions. Adjust intensity of prompts as needed – for example, boost “ugly” or “deformed face” effects with a colon plus number like “:1.5”.

Fixing Body Proportions

bad anatomy, missing limbs, extra limbs, distorted proportions, unrealistic body, disproportionate body

Target incorrect body proportions and stray limbs with this prompt.

Removing Image Artifacts

low quality, lowres, jpeg artifacts, grainy, blurry, glitchy, corrupted

Eliminate technical image issues for clean, high-quality portraits.

Example Portraits Using Negative Prompts

Below are some examples of portraits I created using carefully crafted negative prompts:

Woman portrait with red hair

Prompt: A beautiful young woman with long red hair, portrait photo

Negative prompt: bad anatomy, errors, missing fingers, mutated hands, extra limbs, distorted proportions, disfigured face, ugly, blurry, low quality, text, watermark, logo

Man with beard portrait

Prompt: Portrait of a middle aged man with a beard, neutral expression

Negative prompt: bad anatomy, errors, deformed face, distorted face, unrealistic face, mutated face, fused face, missing fingers, extra fingers, ugly fingers, long fingers, extra limbs, distorted proportions

Useful Websites for Negative Prompts

Here are some great sites to find additional negative prompt examples for portraits:

Final Thoughts

Crafting the perfect negative prompts can feel overwhelming at first, but gets easier with experimentation. Start simple, and slowly refine your prompts based on the quality of generated images.

The key is specificity. Identify exact unwanted elements and describe them accurately to steer the AI away during image generation. Portraits have common defects like weird anatomy, missing hands, and distorted faces – target these areas explicitly in prompts.

I hope these detailed prompt examples and tips help you create stunning AI portraits free of defects using Stable Diffusion. Feel free to reference this guide whenever you need some negative prompt inspiration!