Stable Diffusion Negative Prompt for Portraits

When generating portraits with Stable Diffusion, using carefully crafted negative prompts is crucial for getting high-quality results free of defects or unwanted elements. Negatives prompts allow you to specify things you want the AI to avoid including in the generated image.

In this article, I’ll share my top tips and prompt examples for effectively using negative prompts with Stable Diffusion to create stunning portraits. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your prompt engineering skills, you’ll find plenty of practical advice here.

Key things to avoid when generating portraits are:

  • Disfigured/mutated faces or features
  • Poorly rendered or blurry faces
  • Strange accessories or clothing items
  • Extra/missing body parts

To exclude these, some negative prompts you can use are:

disfigured face, poorly drawn face, bad proportions face, extra face parts, mutated hands, missing hands, extra fingers

I also recommend adding these more general negatives:

low quality, low resolution, ugly, dirty, duplicate

Fixing Common Facial Issues

A key part of perfecting portraits is tweaking your prompts to fix common face and facial feature issues.

Preventing Blurry Faces

Blurred or non-detailed faces are a common problem. To fix, use negatives like:

blurry face, out of focus face, fuzzy face 

Symmetrical Facial Features

You can prompt for more symmetry by adding:

asymmetrical eyes, asymmetrical nose, asymmetrical mouth

Natural Skin and Teeth

For more realistic skin/teeth tones try:

unnatural skin color, unrealistic skin texture, yellow teeth

Full Portrait Prompt Example

Here is an example prompt for generating high-quality portraits of women:

Portrait painting of a beautiful young woman with long brown hair, green eyes, red lips, and rosy cheeks, Renaissance style, intricate details, sharp focus, textured brush strokes, by Leonardo da Vinci

Negative prompt: disfigured face, poorly drawn face, bad proportions face, extra face parts, mutated hands, missing hands, extra fingers, blurry face, out of focus face, fuzzy face, ugly, dirty, duplicate, low quality, low resolution  

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