Specifying View Parameters in a Stable Diffusion Prompt

Specifying view parameters in a Stable Diffusion prompt allows you to control the viewpoint, angle, perspective, and other spatial attributes of the generated image. Getting these parameters right is key to producing high-quality and consistent results.

In this article, we will provide an overview of the main view parameters you can specify, along with examples and best practices for setting them effectively.

Camera Position

The camera position determines the location and angle from which the scene is viewed. Here are some common parameters:


You can specify the horizontal and vertical angle of the camera using keywords like facing left/right/front/back or values in degrees like camera angle 30 degrees:

A scenic landscape photograph, camera angle 30 degrees facing left


Set the camera height using terms like aerial view, bird's eye view, or values in feet/meters. Higher values give more of a top-down perspective:

A city skyline, aerial view from 1000 feet


Use keywords like close-up and wide angle or values in millimeters to set the distance. Larger values zoom the camera out:

A puppy, close-up view from 300 mm distance

Camera Lens

The camera lens impacts the perspective and field of view.

Field of View

Specify the horizontal field of view in degrees. Larger values stretch the image laterally:

Tropical beach, field of view 110 degrees

Focal Length

Focal length controls magnification – higher values zoom in. Use millimeters:

Portrait of a scientist, 200 mm focal length

Advanced Parameters

Here are some more advanced parameters you can specify:

Depth of Field

Use deep depth of field for sharp focus throughout, or values like f/2.8 for blurred backgrounds:

Flowers in a garden, deep depth of field

Tilt & Shift

Tilt skews the image horizontally, while shift skews vertically:

Cityscape, tilt 4 degrees, shift 8 degrees 


Rotates the camera along the axis pointing towards the scene:

Sailing ship from side view, roll 15 degrees

Composing Complex Prompts

When combining multiple view parameters, structure your prompt clearly using comma separation:

Portrait of a scientist, 200 mm focal length, f/5.6 depth of field, facing front

Place the most important parameters first, and specify a consistent lighting direction when using angles.

Websites with Prompt Ideas

Here are some great sites to findStable Diffusion prompts to help spark your creativity:


Specifying the right view parameters gives you precise control over the camera and perspective in Stable Diffusion images. Start simple, using just one or two parameters, and build up more complex prompts as you get comfortable. Referring to sample prompts and experimenting thoughtfully is key to mastering this skill.

With practice, you’ll be able to produce stunning, publication-quality AI-generated images tailored to your creative vision.


These resources provide additional guidance on specifying view parameters: