Siri’s Hilarious Voice Commands: Must-Try Funny Siri Phrases

Are you in the mood for a good laugh? Look no further than Siri’s hilarious voice commands! Siri, the virtual assistant on Apple devices, has a playful side and can respond to some funny and creative voice commands. Below you’ll find a range of voice command examples that are sure to put a smile on your face. So go ahead, give these must-try funny Siri phrases a try and let the laughter begin!

#1 Weather Jokes

“Tell me a weather joke, Siri.”
“Is it raining cats and dogs?”
“What’s the weather like on Mars?”
“Will it snow tomorrow?”
“Can you predict the weather for my beach vacation in Antarctica?”

#2 Siri’s Identity Crisis

“What are you, Siri?”
“Can you think for yourself, Siri?”
“Are you a robot, Siri?”
“Do you ever get tired, Siri?”
“Are you smarter than Alexa?”

#3 Personal Life Intrusion

“What is your favorite color, Siri?”
“Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, Siri?”
“What do you do in your free time, Siri?”
“Do you have any pets, Siri?”
“What’s your favorite song, Siri?”

#4 Philosophical Siri

“What is the meaning of life, Siri?”
“Do you believe in ghosts, Siri?”
“Are we living in a simulation, Siri?”
“Tell me a deep quote, Siri.”
“Do you dream, Siri?”

#5 Misunderstanding Siri

“Knock, knock, Siri.”
“How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”
“Tell me a funny story, Siri.”
“Recite a poem, Siri.”
“I love you, Siri.”

#6 Siri’s Comedy Club

“Tell me a joke, Siri.”
“Make me laugh, Siri.”
“Say something funny, Siri.”
“Tell me a dad joke, Siri.”
“Can you tell me a knock-knock joke, Siri?”

#7 Siri’s Fandom

“Who shot first, Han Solo or Greedo?”
“What is the Matrix, Siri?”
“What’s the best movie of all time, Siri?”
“Do you watch Game of Thrones, Siri?”
“What’s your favorite superhero, Siri?”

#8 Siri’s Food Recommendations

“Where can I find the best pizza, Siri?”
“What’s the secret menu at McDonald’s, Siri?”
“Recommend a good restaurant nearby, Siri.”
“Can you find me the best coffee shop in town, Siri?”
“Do you have any recipes for chocolate cake, Siri?”

#9 Siri’s Hidden Talents

“Can you beatbox, Siri?”
“Sing a song for me, Siri.”
“Can you rap, Siri?”
“Tell me a bedtime story, Siri.”
“Can you do an impression, Siri?”

#10 Siri’s Mind Games

“Why did the chicken cross the road, Siri?”
“Can you prove you’re not a robot, Siri?”
“Do you have any secrets, Siri?”
“Are you spying on me, Siri?”
“What’s your favorite magic trick, Siri?”