Siri Commands for Spotify: Your Ultimate Voice-Control Guide

Welcome to the ultimate voice-control guide for Siri commands for Spotify! Are you tired of constantly having to pause or skip your music while you are busy working or cooking? Well, with Siri Commands for Spotify, all you have to do is speak and your music will obey! Below are some examples of voice commands that will make your Spotify experience even better.

#1 Playlists

“Play my ‘Chill’ playlist.”
“Shuffle my ‘Best of 2021’ playlist.”
“Add ‘Lover’ by Taylor Swift to my ‘Romance’ playlist.”
“Create a new playlist called ‘Summer Vibes’.”

#2 Songs and Artists

“Play ‘Blinding Lights’ by The Weeknd.”
“I want to listen to the artist ‘Doja Cat’.”
“Play the song ‘Drivers License’ by Olivia Rodrigo.”
“Skip this song.”
“Play something by Shawn Mendes.”

#3 Albums

“Play the album ‘After Hours’ by The Weeknd.”
“Play my ‘Relaxing Sunday’ album.”
“Shuffle the ‘1989’ album by Taylor Swift.”
“Add the ‘Abbey Road’ album to my library.”

#4 Genres

“Play some pop music.”
“I want to listen to some classical music.”
“Play some jazz music.”
“Play some electronic dance music.”

#5 Control Playback

“Pause the music.”
“Resume the music.”
“Skip this song.”
“Repeat this song.”
“Turn up the volume.”
“Lower the volume.”

#6 Radio Stations

“Play the ‘Today’s Top Hits’ station.”
“Play the ‘Country Music’ station.”
“Play the ‘Classic Rock’ station.”
“Play the ’90s R&B’ station.”

#7 Discover

“What’s the latest song by Billie Eilish?”
“Play music recommended for me.”
“Play some new releases.”
“Recommend me some podcasts.”

#8 Your Library

“What’s in my library?”
“Play my ‘Liked Songs’ playlist.”
“Add this album to my library.”
“Create a new playlist in my library.”

#9 Siri Shortcuts

“Start my evening routine playlist.”
“Play workout music.”
“Play my study playlist.”
“I’m feeling lucky, play something for me.”

#10 Social

“Share this song with my friend.”
“What’s my friend listening to?”
“Follow this artist on Spotify.”
“Unfollow this artist on Spotify.”

There you have it, 33 amazing Siri Commands for Spotify! Try them out and enjoy music hands-free.