Rigorous ChatGPT Prompt for Code Review Best Practices

Here is a draft 1250-word blog article on code review best practices with AI prompt examples, insights, and useful websites. I aimed to use clear formatting and an approachable tone while highlighting important ideas:

Establishing a Healthy Code Review Culture

Code reviews are a critical part of producing high-quality software, yet they require thoughtfulness to implement effectively. When done right, they build teamwork and ownership. When done poorly, they lead to frustration and stagnation. As AI systems like ChatGPT are increasingly involved in writing code, establishing human review processes to maintain accountability and safety is key.

The Mindsets and Methods That Enable Helpful Feedback

Approaching code reviews with an attitude of supporting your teammates rather than criticizing them sets the stage for a constructive dialogue. Reviewers can ask clarifying questions and suggest alternatives rather than demanding changes. Reviewees can respond with openness rather than defensiveness.

Framing feedback through the lens of users and stakeholders, rather than personal preference, also keeps the discussion targeted on objective improvements. For example, “How could we make this code more readable for future maintainers?”

Supporting Reviewers in Identifying Important Issues

Giving reviewers guidelines, prompts, and checklists helps them identify meaningful improvements rather than getting lost in minor style suggestions:

  • Security: Are there any vulnerabilities introduced?
  • Accessibility: Does it work well with screen readers?
  • Performance: Will it scale efficiently?
  • Readability: Is the code easy to understand?
  • Reliability: How well does it handle errors?

The prompts can be customized by language and project type. Pull request templates similarly guide authors in explaining changes clearly.

Empowering Reviewees with Clear Action Items

Making issues actionable is key for reviewees to make effective revisions. Vague suggestions to “improve” code leave too much ambiguity. The classic feedback sandwich gives useful examples:

  1. I like your use of dependency injection to enable testing. 👍
  2. The processData() method is getting long – could we break it into smaller helper functions? 🤔
  3. Overall this looks very testable and maintainable! 🎉

Checking Your Work with AI Assistance

AI code review tools like Codex and GitHub Copilot can augment human reviewers by spotting bugs, vulnerabilities, and style issues. Their pattern matching strengths complement human judgment.

The key is treating these tools as assistants rather than decision makers. Reviewers should verify any issues they flag rather than blindly approving them.

Sample AI Prompts for Code Reviewers

Here are some sample prompts for code reviewers leveraging AI systems, customized by language:

# Python

Review this Python code:

[paste code sample]

Identify aspects that could be improved including security, performance, readability, and reliability. Provide 2-3 clear and actionable suggestions for improvement with examples. Point out positive aspects too. # JavaScript Review this JavaScript code:

[paste code sample]

Check if there are any common bugs or antipatterns. Provide alternatives and explain their advantages. Identify any potential vulnerabilities and suggest secured implementations. Format as constructive feedback. # Java Review this Java code:

[paste code sample]

Analyze the complexity, testability, and readability of the code. Provide level-headed, supportive suggestions for improvement as well as appreciation of positive patterns used.

The key is the framing – we guide the AI to give feedback in a productive spirit, not just flag issues. We ask it to cite advantages too, promote understanding, and offer alternatives. The AI acts as a assistant for human judgment – not an autonomous critic.

Resources for Creating Better Code Reviews