Revealing ChatGPT Prompts for Business Writing

ChatGPT is an AI assistant that can help with various business writing tasks. Here are some prompt examples you can use to improve your business writing.


ChatGPT can draft professional emails for you. For example:

“Please write a formal email to John Smith, Sales Manager at ACME Inc, requesting a meeting to discuss a potential partnership. Use a professional yet personal tone. Include a suggested agenda with 3 discussion topics.”

You can tweak the output and customize it to fit your needs.

Sales Pitches

ChatGPT is great for crafting customized sales pitches. Tell it about your product/service and ideal customer. For example:

“You are a sales representative trying to sell project management software to the CTO of a mid-sized tech company. Write a compelling sales pitch focused on efficiency, collaboration and insights.”

Blog Post Ideas

Unleash your creativity with blog post ideas from ChatGPT. Give it your niche and target keywords.

“Please suggest 10 blog post title ideas for my finance blog. The titles should be SEO optimized and target the keywords: budgeting, saving money, investing for beginners.”

Ad Copy

Use ChatGPT to write engaging ad copy and landing pages. Give it your USP and call-to-action. For example:

“Write a Facebook ad for my accounting services targeting small business owners. Focus on accuracy, time savings and affordable rates. Include a call-to-action to schedule a free consultation.”

Follow-Up Emails

Automate your sales follow-up process with AI-generated emails. For example:

“Write a follow-up email to send 1 week after an initial sales call. Assume I pitched my consulting services to help optimize their marketing funnel. Emphasize value and seek to schedule a discovery call.”

Meeting Recaps

Quickly summarize key takeaways from meetings. For example:

“You attended a client meeting where 3 new features were proposed for a mobile app. Write a brief meeting recap highlighting the top takeaways, action items and next steps in bullet points.”

Useful Websites

The key is crafting detailed prompts that clearly explain the context and desired output to ChatGPT. With some practice, it can generate high-quality business writing to save you time and energy.