Pro ChatGPT Prompts for Keywords

Finding the right keywords is crucial for any content marketing or SEO strategy. However, keyword research can be tedious and time-consuming. This is where ChatGPT can be a game changer. With the right prompts, ChatGPT can generate hundreds of relevant long-tail keyword ideas in seconds.

In this article, I will share some of my favorite ChatGPT prompts for keyword research to help you unlock the full potential of this powerful AI tool. Whether you’re looking to optimize existing content or come up with ideas for new blog posts and landing pages, these prompts will supercharge your efforts.

ChatGPT Prompt #1: Generate Keyword Ideas For A Topic

This prompt allows you to enter any topic or niche and get back a list of keyword ideas along with search volume data.


Provide a list of 30 long-tail keyword ideas related to [enter your topic here] along with monthly search volume data. Format the results in a markdown table with columns for keyword, monthly searches, and competition level estimate.


Provide a list of 30 long-tail keyword ideas related to content marketing along with monthly search volume data. Format the results in a markdown table with columns for keyword, monthly searches, and competition level estimate.

| Keyword | Monthly Searches | Competition |
| beginner’s guide to content marketing | 73000 | Low |
| types of content marketing | 20000 | Medium |
| how to measure content marketing roi | 18100 | High |

And so on…

With this prompt, you can quickly discover dozens of untapped keyword opportunities in any niche.

ChatGPT Prompt #2: Expand On Seed Keywords

If you already have a few target keywords, use this prompt to uncover additional long-tail variations.


Provide a list of 10 related long-tail keyword ideas for each of these seed keywords: [enter 3-5 seed keywords]. Include monthly search volume data and format as a markdown table.


Provide a list of 10 related long-tail keyword ideas for each of these seed keywords: content marketing strategy, viral content marketing, content promotion. Include monthly search volume data and format as a markdown table.

| Main Keyword | Related Long-Tail Keyword | Monthly Searches |
| content marketing strategy | types of content marketing strategies | 12400 |
| content marketing strategy | how to choose a content marketing strategy | 9200 |
| viral content marketing | examples of viral content marketing campaigns | 18000 |
| viral content marketing | how to create viral content on a budget | 12100 |
| content promotion | content promotion strategies that work | 1480 |
| content promotion | how to promote content on reddit | 920 |

This prompt allows you to exponentially grow your initial keyword list and discover hidden gems you may have otherwise missed.

ChatGPT Prompt #3: Generate Questions For A Topic

Turning keywords into compelling questions that readers search for is an art. This prompt handles that automatically.


Write 10 frequently asked question keywords related to [enter your topic here] that could be used for blog post ideas or content pillars. Include monthly search volume data and format as a markdown table.


Write 10 frequently asked question keywords related to content marketing that could be used for blog post ideas or content pillars. Include monthly search volume data and format as a markdown table.

| FAQ Keyword | Monthly Searches |
| what is content marketing? | 73000 |
| how does content marketing work? | 50000 |
| what is the purpose of content marketing? | 30000 |
| how do you succeed with content marketing? | 20000 |
| why is content marketing important? | 18100 |

Asking the right questions is key for creating content that resonates with your audience. This prompt delivers those questions on a silver platter!


These prompts are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to using ChatGPT for keyword research. The key is crafting clear, detailed prompts that tell ChatGPT exactly what you need while giving it some creative freedom at the same time.

I’m sure you could come up with dozens of other variations tailored to your particular niche or use case. The awesome thing about ChatGPT is that the more specific your prompts, the better the output. I’m excited to see how this AI tool evolves over time and the new possibilities it unlocks for marketers and SEOs.

Now it’s your turn to unleash the power of ChatGPT prompts for keyword research! Let me know in the comments if you have any other favorite prompts or keyword research tactics.

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