Mastering Siri: Voice Command Examples and Tips

If you’re an iPhone user, you’re probably familiar with Siri. The virtual assistant that can help you with a variety of tasks just by using your voice. But did you know that Siri can do much more than just setting reminders and sending texts? With the right commands, Siri can become your personal helper, saving you time and effort. Below, we’ve gathered some useful voice command examples and tips to help you master Siri and make the most out of your iPhone experience.

#1 General Commands

“Hey Siri, what’s the weather like today?”
“Hey Siri, set a timer for 15 minutes”
“Hey Siri, play some music”
“Hey Siri, call my mom”
“Hey Siri, remind me to buy milk at 6 PM”
“Hey Siri, what’s the meaning of life?”

#2 Navigation Commands

“Hey Siri, give me directions to the nearest gas station”
“Hey Siri, how long will it take to get to work?”
“Hey Siri, what’s the traffic like on my way home?”
“Hey Siri, show me the route to the airport”
“Hey Siri, navigate to the nearest Starbucks”
“Hey Siri, where is the nearest gas station?”

#3 Productivity/Utility Commands

“Hey Siri, set an alarm for 7 AM”
“Hey Siri, take a note”
“Hey Siri, read my messages”
“Hey Siri, turn on airplane mode”
“Hey Siri, enable do not disturb mode”
“Hey Siri, what’s the exchange rate of USD to EUR?”
“Hey Siri, what’s the current time in Tokyo?”

#4 Entertainment Commands

“Hey Siri, open YouTube”
“Hey Siri, play the latest episode of Game of Thrones”
“Hey Siri, find me some funny cat videos on YouTube”
“Hey Siri, pause the music”
“Hey Siri, skip to the next track”
“Hey Siri, turn up the volume”
“Hey Siri, what’s new on Netflix?”

#5 Smart Home Commands

“Hey Siri, turn off the lights”
“Hey Siri, set the temperature to 75 degrees”
“Hey Siri, open the blinds”
“Hey Siri, turn off the TV”
“Hey Siri, what’s the current humidity level in the living room?”
“Hey Siri, turn on the fan in the bedroom”

#6 Travel Commands

“Hey Siri, what’s the time in London?”
“Hey Siri, show me flights from New York to Los Angeles”
“Hey Siri, what’s the hotel reservation number for Hilton?”
“Hey Siri, book a rental car”
“Hey Siri, show me the best restaurants in Paris”
“Hey Siri, translate ‘hello’ to Spanish”

These are just a few examples of the many voice commands available with Siri. With a little practice, you’ll find that using Siri can streamline your daily tasks and make your life a little easier. Try experimenting with different phrases and see what Siri can do for you!