Mastering Google Assistant Voice Commands in 2017

In the year 2017, Google introduced its Google Assistant, a virtual assistant for smartphones and smart home devices. With its advanced artificial intelligence, Google Assistant can help users perform a multitude of tasks, from setting alarms and reminders to creating shopping lists and playing music. One of the most exciting features of Google Assistant is its ability to be activated through voice commands. In this article, we will provide some examples of the many voice commands you can use to master Google Assistant in 2017.

#1 Basic Commands

“Hey Google, what’s the weather like today?”
“Ok Google, set an alarm for 6am.”
“Hey Google, what time is it?”
“Ok Google, what’s the definition of [word]?”
“Hey Google, play some music.”
“Ok Google, turn on/off the lights.”
“Hey Google, what’s on my calendar for today?”
“Ok Google, take a selfie.”
“Hey Google, remind me to [task] at [time].”

#2 Entertainment Commands

“Hey Google, tell me a joke.”
“Ok Google, play the latest news from [news source].”
“Hey Google, play [song name].”
“Ok Google, what movies are playing near me?”
“Hey Google, tell me a bedtime story.”
“Ok Google, can you beatbox?”
“Hey Google, play Jeopardy.”
“Ok Google, play the latest episode of [TV show].”

#3 Navigation Commands

“Hey Google, how long does it take to get to [destination]?”
“Ok Google, show me the nearest coffee shop/bar/gas station/etc.”
“Hey Google, give me directions to [destination].”
“Ok Google, what’s the traffic like on my commute?”
“Hey Google, what’s the best route to get to [destination]?”

#4 Productivity Commands

“Hey Google, take a note.”
“Ok Google, set a timer for [amount of time].”
“Hey Google, add [item] to my shopping list.”
“Ok Google, what’s the news for today?”
“Hey Google, what’s the exchange rate for [currency]?”
“Ok Google, remind me to [task] every [day/week/month/year].”
“Hey Google, text [contact name] that I’ll be there in [amount of time].”
“Ok Google, what’s the flight status for [flight number]?”

#5 Smart Home Commands

“Hey Google, turn on the TV.”
“Ok Google, set the temperature to [temperature] degrees.”
“Hey Google, what’s the humidity in [room name]?”
“Ok Google, lock the front door.”
“Hey Google, turn off all the lights.”
“Ok Google, check the security camera.”
“Hey Google, what’s the Wi-Fi password?”

#6 Shopping Commands

“Hey Google, order [item name] from [store].”
“Ok Google, how much does [item name] cost at [store]?”
“Hey Google, add [item name] to my Amazon cart.”
“Ok Google, find me the best deal on [item name].”
“Hey Google, track my Amazon package.”
“Ok Google, what’s the return policy for [store]?”
“Hey Google, what’s the customer service number for [store]?”