Mastering Google Assistant: Top Voice Commands

Welcome to the world of voice-activated AI with Google Assistant! With just a few words spoken aloud, you can make phone calls, send texts, ask questions, set reminders, and a whole lot more. To help you get started on your journey towards mastering Google Assistant, we have compiled a list of some of the top voice commands that you can use. These commands are easy to remember, and will help you get the most out of your Assistant experience. So go ahead, ask away, and let your voice do the work!

#1 Basic Commands

“Ok Google, set an alarm for 6 am”
“Hey Google, tell me a joke”
“Ok Google, take a selfie”
“Hey Google, what time is it?”
“Ok Google, remind me to walk the dog at 4 pm”

#2 Entertainment Commands

“Hey Google, play some music”
“Ok Google, what’s the weather like?”
“Hey Google, show me some funny cat videos”
“Ok Google, watch Stranger Things on Netflix”
“Hey Google, what’s the latest news?”

#3 Productivity Commands

“Ok Google, can you send an email for me?”
“Hey Google, make a grocery list”
“Ok Google, add a meeting to my calendar for tomorrow at 11 am”
“Hey Google, set a timer for 30 minutes”
“Ok Google, call my mom”

#4 Home Automation Commands

“Hey Google, turn on the living room lights”
“Ok Google, change the temperature to 72 degrees”
“Hey Google, play some jazz in the bedroom”
“Ok Google, lock the front door”
“Hey Google, turn on the coffee maker”

#5 Travel Commands

“Ok Google, find the nearest gas station”
“Hey Google, how long will it take me to get to work?”
“Ok Google, book a flight to Miami”
“Hey Google, what’s the exchange rate for dollars to euros?”
“Ok Google, where is the nearest hotel?”

#6 Assistant Settings Commands

“Hey Google, change your voice to male”
“Ok Google, turn off the microphone”
“Hey Google, what can you do?”
“Ok Google, change the language to Spanish”
“Hey Google, what’s your name?”