Mastering Google Assistant: A Comprehensive Voice Command Reference

Welcome to “Mastering Google Assistant: A Comprehensive Voice Command Reference.” Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your Google Assistant? Below, we have compiled a wide range of voice command examples that will help you navigate through this powerful virtual assistant seamlessly. Whether you’re looking for smart home control, productivity boosters, or even entertainment recommendations, we’ve got you covered. Explore these voice command examples and discover new ways to make the most of your Google Assistant’s capabilities.

#1 Smart Home Control Commands

“Hey Google, turn off the bedroom lights.”
“Ok Google, set the thermostat to 72 degrees.”
“Hey Google, lock the front door.”
“Ok Google, turn on the coffee maker.”
“Hey Google, play my evening playlist on Spotify.”

#2 Productivity Boosting Commands

“Ok Google, remind me to buy groceries at 5 pm.”
“Hey Google, schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 2 pm.”
“Ok Google, create a to-do list called ‘Weekend Chores’.”
“Hey Google, send an email to John with the subject ‘Meeting Recap.'”
“Ok Google, set a timer for 30 minutes.”

#3 Entertainment and Media Commands

“Hey Google, play the latest news update.”
“Ok Google, find me the top-rated movies in theaters.”
“Hey Google, play a jazz music playlist on YouTube.”
“Ok Google, what’s the latest score of the football game?”
“Hey Google, tell me a joke.”

#4 Travel and Navigation Commands

“Ok Google, find me the nearest gas station.”
“Hey Google, what’s the traffic like on my way to work?”
“Ok Google, navigate to Central Park.”
“Hey Google, book a flight from New York to London.”
“Ok Google, what’s the weather like in Paris?”

#5 Personal Assistant Commands

“Hey Google, set an alarm for 7 am.”
“Ok Google, wake me up to my favorite song.”
“Hey Google, add milk to my shopping list.”
“Ok Google, what’s on my calendar for today?”
“Hey Google, tell me a recipe for chicken Alfredo.”

#6 Communication and Messaging Commands

“Ok Google, call Mom.”
“Hey Google, send a text message to Sarah: ‘Running late, will be there in 10 minutes.'”
“Ok Google, read me my latest email.”
“Hey Google, create a new note with the title ‘Travel Ideas’.”
“Ok Google, what’s the weather like at my destination?”

#7 General Knowledge and Information Commands

“Hey Google, how do you say ‘hello’ in French?”
“Ok Google, who won the Nobel Prize in literature this year?”
“Hey Google, what’s the capital of Australia?”
“Ok Google, convert 20 dollars to euros.”
“Hey Google, tell me a fun fact.”

#8 Fun and Games Commands

“Ok Google, play a game of trivia.”
“Hey Google, tell me a riddle.”
“Ok Google, flip a coin.”
“Hey Google, roll a dice.”
“Ok Google, entertain me.”

#9 Music Controls Commands

“Hey Google, play the next song.”
“Ok Google, add this song to my playlist.”
“Hey Google, shuffle my music library.”
“Ok Google, increase the volume by 20%.”
“Hey Google, play my favorite song.”

#10 Timer and Alarm Commands

“Ok Google, set a timer for 10 minutes.”
“Hey Google, snooze the alarm for 5 minutes.”
“Ok Google, cancel all alarms.”
“Hey Google, how much time is left on the timer?”
“Ok Google, remind me to take my medication at 9 am.”

#11 Language Translation Commands

“Hey Google, translate ‘hello’ to Spanish.”
“Ok Google, how do you say ‘goodbye’ in German?”
“Hey Google, translate ‘thank you’ to French.”
“Ok Google, what’s the translation for ‘beautiful’ in Italian?”
“Hey Google, how do you say ‘I love you’ in Japanese?”

#12 Sports Updates Commands

“Ok Google, who won the last Super Bowl?”
“Hey Google, what’s the score of the Lakers game?”
“Ok Google, when is the next World Cup?”
“Hey Google, show me the current Premier League table.”
“Ok Google, who is the highest-scoring player in the MLB right now?”

#13 Stock Market and Financial Commands

“Hey Google, what’s the current price of Apple stock?”
“Ok Google, how did the stock market close today?”
“Hey Google, what’s the price-to-earnings ratio of Tesla stock?”
“Ok Google, what’s the market capitalization of Amazon?”
“Hey Google, how are my stocks performing today?”

#14 Book Recommendations Commands

“Ok Google, suggest a good mystery novel to read.”
“Hey Google, what are some popular science fiction books?”
“Ok Google, recommend a self-help book for personal growth.”
“Hey Google, who is the author of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’?”
“Hey Google, what is the best-selling book of all time?”