Inviting Contacts: Voice Command Examples for Alexa’s Existing Connection

Below are some voice command examples that you can use to invite contacts using Alexa’s existing connection. These commands will help you conveniently send invitations to your contacts, allowing you to stay connected with ease. Explore the wide range of voice commands available and make the most out of your Alexa’s existing connection.

#1 Simple Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name].”

#2 Group Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact group name].”
“Alexa, invite all my contacts.”
“Alexa, invite my family.”

#3 Specific Time and Date

“Alexa, invite [contact name] for dinner tomorrow at 7 PM.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] for lunch next Friday at 12 PM.”

#4 Recurring Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] every Monday at 9 AM for a meeting.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] every weekday at 8 AM.”

#5 Reminder Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the party next Saturday.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the movie night on the 15th.”

#6 Event Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the wedding on the 25th of July.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the concert this Friday.”

#7 Public Event Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the charity fundraiser next week.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the townhall meeting on Monday.”

#8 Appointment Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the doctor’s appointment on Wednesday.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the salon appointment at 3 PM.”

#9 Virtual Event Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the online webinar tomorrow at 10 AM.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the virtual conference on the 5th.”

#10 Travel Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] for a trip next month.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] to join me on vacation in August.”

#11 Special Occasion Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] to celebrate my birthday on the 12th.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the surprise party for [contact name].”

#12 Activity Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] for a hike this Saturday.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] to join me for a yoga class tomorrow.”

#13 Festive Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the New Year’s Eve party.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] to celebrate Thanksgiving with us.”

#14 Social Gathering Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] for a casual get-together.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the game night next week.”

#15 Business Event Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the product launch event.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] to the networking conference.”

#16 Invitation Status Check

“Alexa, check the status of the invitation to [contact name].”
“Alexa, what invitations have been accepted for tomorrow?”

#17 Cancel Invitations

“Alexa, cancel the invitation to [contact name].”
“Alexa, remove [contact name] from the guest list.”

#18 Modify Invitations

“Alexa, extend the invitation to [contact name] until 8 PM.”
“Alexa, update the invitation for [contact name] to dinner at 8:30 PM.”

#19 Invitation Details

“Alexa, tell me about the invitation to [contact name].”
“Alexa, what are the details for the invitation to [contact name]?”

#20 Invitation Reminders

“Alexa, remind me to send the invitation to [contact name] tomorrow.”
“Alexa, set a reminder to follow up on the invitation to [contact name] on Wednesday.”

#21 Emergency Hosting

“Alexa, invite [contact name] for an emergency meeting ASAP.”
“Alexa, send an urgent invitation to [contact name] to discuss the issue.”

#22 Accepting Invitations

“Alexa, accept the invitation from [contact name] for lunch tomorrow.”
“Alexa, RSVP ‘yes’ to the invitation for [contact name]’s party.”

#23 Declining Invitations

“Alexa, decline the invitation to [contact name]’s event.”
“Alexa, I cannot attend the invitation from [contact name].”

#24 Request for More Information

“Alexa, ask [contact name] for more details about the invitation.”
“Alexa, can [contact name] provide additional information about the invitation?”

#25 Invitation Suggestions

“Alexa, suggest some invitations for this weekend.”
“Alexa, give me ideas for invitations to host at home.”

#26 Informal Invitations

“Alexa, tell [contact name] to drop by my place for a chat.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] for a coffee sometime this week.”

#27 Formal Invitations

“Alexa, send a formal invitation to [contact name] for the business meeting.”
“Alexa, invite [contact name] formally to the charity gala.”

#28 VIP Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact name] as a VIP guest to the grand opening event.”
“Alexa, send an exclusive invitation to [contact name] for the VIP party.”

#29 Last-Minute Invitations

“Alexa, invite [contact names] for a spontaneous gathering.”
“Alexa, send last-minute invitations to all my contacts for tonight.”

#30 Reminder to Send Invitations

“Alexa, remind me to send invitations for the event tomorrow.”
“Alexa, set a reminder to send the invitations for the party next week.”

#31 Invitation Announcements

“Alexa, announce the invitation for [contact name] to everyone in the house.”
“Alexa, broadcast the invitation for the team meeting at 2 PM.”

#32 Invitation Templates

“Alexa, use the template for party invitations.”
“Alexa, create an invitation based on the business event template.”

#33 Invitation Personalization

“Alexa, customize the invitation for [contact name] with a personal message.”
“Alexa, add a personalized touch to the invitation for [contact name].”