Google Chromecast Voice Commands for Home Assistant: Examples and Tips

Google Chromecast Voice Commands for Home Assistant: Examples and Tips gives you the ability to control your Chromecast device using just your voice. Below are some voice command examples you can use to navigate and control your Chromecast using your Google Home or other compatible smart devices. Whether you want to play your favorite show, adjust the volume, or skip to the next episode, these voice commands will make it easier for you to interact with your Chromecast.

#1 Basic Navigation Commands

“Fast forward”

#2 Volume Control Commands

“Turn up the volume”
“Turn down the volume”
“Mute the volume”
“Unmute the volume”
“Set volume to 50%”

#3 Content Control Commands

“Play [title] on [app]”
“Play the latest episode of [show] on [app]”
“Play [music] by [artist]”
“Show me movies starring [actor]”
“Skip the intro”
“Skip to [time]”

#4 General Information Commands

“What’s playing?”
“What’s this song?”
“Who stars in this show?”
“What’s the weather like?”

#5 App and Device Control Commands

“Open [app]”
“Close [app]”
“Turn on subtitles”
“Change language to [language]”
“Turn off TV”
“Reconnect Chromecast”

#6 Smart Home Control Commands

“Dim the lights”
“Turn off the living room fan”
“Start the coffee maker”
“Lock the front door”
“Set the thermostat to 72 degrees”
“Turn on the bedroom lamp”

These voice command examples cover a range of functionalities that you can use with your Google Chromecast device and Home Assistant. Whether you’re watching a movie, listening to music, or controlling your smart home devices, these voice commands will help streamline your experience and make it more convenient for you to interact with your Chromecast using your voice.