Google Assistant Voice Command Examples: Master Your Assistant’s Power!

Voice commands are a powerful tool that can help you fully utilize the capabilities of your Google Assistant. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of voice command examples that can help you master your assistant’s power. Whether you want to control your smart home devices, get information about the weather, or play your favorite music, these commands will make your interactions with Google Assistant effortless and efficient. So, let’s dive in and discover the endless possibilities that await!

#1 Smart Home Control

“Turn on the lights in the living room”
“Set the thermostat to 72 degrees”
“Lock the front door”
“Dim the bedroom lights”
“Close the garage door”
“Start the coffee maker”
“Turn on the TV”
“Set the temperature to 68 degrees”
“Turn on the fan in the kitchen”

#2 Weather Information

“What’s the weather like today?”
“Will it rain tomorrow?”
“What’s the temperature in New York?”
“Do I need an umbrella?”
“What’s the forecast for the weekend?”
“Is it going to be hot in Los Angeles?”
“What’s the humidity level?”
“What’s the wind speed in Chicago?”
“Will it snow in the mountains?”

#3 Music and Entertainment

“Play my ‘Chill Vibes’ playlist on Spotify”
“Skip this song”
“Turn up the volume”
“Play some rock music”
“Play the latest news podcast”
“Find me a workout playlist”
“Who sings this song?”
“Play music by Taylor Swift”
“What’s the top song on the charts?”
“Play ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson”

#4 Calendar and Reminders

“Add an event to my calendar”
“What’s on my agenda for today?”
“Set a reminder for tomorrow”
“Cancel my meeting at 4 pm”
“Remind me to call mom at 5 pm”
“Do I have any appointments tomorrow?”
“Create a new calendar event”
“Set a reminder for my anniversary”
“Move my dentist appointment to next week”
“What’s my next meeting?”

#5 Navigation and Directions

“Navigate to the nearest gas station”
“What’s the traffic like on my way to work?”
“Find a coffee shop near me”
“Get directions to the airport”
“Take me home”
“Where is the closest pharmacy?”
“What’s the fastest route to the mall?”
“How long will it take to get to the beach?”
“Is there a traffic jam on the highway?”
“Can you find me a park nearby?”

#6 Communication

“Call John”
“Send a text to Sarah saying I’ll be late”
“Read my last message”
“Send an email to Mark”
“What are my unread messages?”
“Make a video call to Mom”
“Find voicemails from yesterday”
“Call my office”
“Send a message on WhatsApp”
“Reply to the last email”

#7 General Knowledge

“What’s the capital of France?”
“How tall is the Eiffel Tower?”
“Who is the president of the United States?”
“What time is it in Tokyo?”
“Translate ‘hello’ to French”
“When was the Declaration of Independence signed?”
“What’s the population of Brazil?”
“What’s the square root of 144?”
“Who won the Nobel Prize in Literature this year?”
“How do you say ‘thank you’ in Spanish?”

#8 Sports Updates

“What’s the score of the basketball game?”
“When is the next NFL match?”
“Who won the World Cup in 2018?”
“How many goals has Messi scored this season?”
“Which team is leading the Premier League?”
“What’s the upcoming schedule for the NBA?”
“Who is the top scorer in the MLS?”
“What were yesterday’s baseball results?”
“Tell me the latest tennis news”
“Who won the Super Bowl last year?”

#9 Recipe Assistance

“Find me a recipe for chocolate chip cookies”
“What ingredients do I need for lasagna?”
“Start a timer for 10 minutes”
“How do I make a margarita?”
“Find a recipe for vegan pancakes”
“What’s the cooking time for roast chicken?”
“Add sugar to my shopping list”
“Play the recipe for butternut squash soup”
“Convert cups to grams”
“Skip to the next step”

#10 Personalized Recommendations

“Suggest a good movie to watch tonight”
“Recommend a restaurant near me”
“Show me popular TV shows”
“Find me a new book to read”
“Any recommendations for a comedy show?”
“What are some good podcasts in the self-help category?”
“Which podcasts are trending right now?”
“Recommend a budgeting app”
“Show me the best-selling books on Amazon”
“Suggest a workout routine for beginners”