Google Assistant: Unleashing the Power of Unknown Commands

If you are looking for a virtual assistant that can help simplify your life, look no further than Google Assistant. From setting reminders to controlling your home’s smart devices, Google Assistant can do it all. But did you know that there are many unknown commands that you can use to unleash even more power? Below are some examples of these voice commands that you can try out for yourself.

Getting Information and Answers (#1)

“Ok Google, how old is the planet Earth?”
“Hey Google, what’s the weather like tomorrow in New York City?”
“Ok Google, what time is the sunset today?”
“Hey Google, what’s the score of the Lakers game?”
“Ok Google, what’s the exchange rate for US dollars and euros?”

Scheduling and Reminders (#2)

“Hey Google, add a reminder to buy milk at the grocery store.”
“Ok Google, schedule a meeting with John for next Tuesday at 2pm.”
“Hey Google, remind me to water the plants every Thursday at 10am.”
“Ok Google, set an alarm for 7am tomorrow.”
“Hey Google, what’s on my calendar for tomorrow?”

Entertainment and Fun (#3)

“Ok Google, play some music.”
“Hey Google, tell me a joke.”
“Ok Google, what’s the meaning of life?”
“Hey Google, what’s your favorite movie?”
“Ok Google, can you sing me a song?”

Navigating and Travel (#4)

“Hey Google, give me directions to the nearest gas station.”
“Ok Google, what’s the traffic like on my way to work?”
“Hey Google, how long does it take to fly from New York to London?”
“Ok Google, what’s the cheapest flight to Paris in April?”
“Hey Google, what’s the current exchange rate in Japan?”

Smart Home Control (#5)

“Hey Google, turn off the lights in the living room.”
“Ok Google, set the temperature in the bedroom to 72 degrees.”
“Hey Google, lock the front door.”
“Ok Google, play the news on the kitchen TV.”
“Hey Google, dim the lights in the dining room to 50%.”

Productivity and Efficiency (#6)

“Ok Google, add eggs, bread, and milk to my shopping list.”
“Hey Google, what’s the definition of procrastination?”
“Ok Google, find me a recipe for chicken alfredo.”
“Hey Google, translate ‘hello’ in spanish.”
“Hey Google, how many ounces are in a cup?”