Google Assistant: Fun Voice Command Examples

Google Assistant is the ultimate virtual assistant, designed to make your life easier. And with its improved capabilities, it can handle an array of tasks, ranging from scheduling a meeting to setting reminders to playing your favorite playlist. But, did you know that Google Assistant can also be a source of fun and entertainment? Whether you want to play a game or listen to a joke, your Google Assistant has got you covered. So, below are some of the fun voice command examples that you can use to make your day more exciting and enjoyable.

#1: Playtime

If you’re feeling playful, ask Google Assistant to “play rock, paper, scissors.” It’ll be happy to oblige. Or, if you want to get a full-blown gaming experience, say “play a game with me” to access a variety of games, including trivia, Jeopardy, and Mad Libs.

#2: Make Me Laugh

Whether you’re feeling down or just in the mood for a good laugh, Google Assistant has got you covered. Just say, “tell me a joke,” and get ready for a good giggle. Or, if you’re in the mood for a riddle, ask Google Assistant to “give me a riddle.”

#3: Time to Relax

We all need a break from time to time, and what better way to unwind than by listening to some relaxing sounds. Just say, “play me some relaxing music,” and Google Assistant will do the rest. Better yet, ask it to “play nature sounds” and enjoy the calming effect of the great outdoors.

#4: Learn Something New

Google Assistant is a treasure trove of information, and it’s always ready to share some fun facts with you. Just ask it to “tell me something random.” Or, if you’re feeling more ambitious, ask Google Assistant to “teach me something new.”

#5: Get Creative

Feeling creative? Ask Google Assistant to “give me a writing prompt” and see where your imagination takes you. Or, if you’re more visually inclined, ask it to “show me some art,” and discover some masterpieces from around the world.

#6: Entertainment Galore

Finally, for general entertainment, ask Google Assistant to “sing me a song,” or “play me a podcast.” It can also provide movie recommendations and even tell you what’s on TV tonight. With Google Assistant, there’s always something to keep you entertained.