Google Assistant Commands for ESP32: Voice Control Examples

Below are some examples of voice commands that can be used for Google Assistant commands for ESP32: Voice Control Examples. With the use of Google Assistant Commands, controlling your ESP32 devices has never been easier. You can turn on and off your lights, adjust the temperature of your air conditioner, and even set a timer, all by voice command. The possibilities are endless with the power of Google Assistant Commands.

#1 Light Control

“Turn on the kitchen light.”
“Turn off all the lights.”
“Dim the living room lights.”
“Set the office lights to blue.”
“Turn off the bedroom lamp.”

#2 Temperature Control

“Set the temperature to 70 degrees.”
“Lower the heat by 5 degrees.”
“Turn on the air conditioner.”
“Set the living room temperature to 72.”

#3 Timer and Alarm

“Set a timer for 10 minutes.”
“Cancel all timers.”
“Set an alarm for 8 AM.”
“Turn off the alarm.”
“Set a sleep timer for 45 minutes.”

#4 Music and Entertainment

“Play some music.”
“Skip this song.”
“Pause the music.”
“Turn up the volume.”
“Shuffle my playlist.”

#5 Calendar and Reminders

“Add a new event to my calendar.”
“What’s my schedule for tomorrow?”
“Remind me to buy groceries at 5 PM.”
“Cancel the meeting tomorrow.”
“Set a reminder to call mom at 7 PM.”

#6 Smart Home Devices

“Connect to my smart TV.”
“Turn off the living room TV.”
“Set the volume to 50%.”
“Change the channel to ESPN.”
“Set the cooking timer for 30 minutes.”

#7 Misc Commands

“What’s the weather like today?”
“Translate ‘hello’ to Spanish.”
“What’s the time in Paris?”
“Roll a dice.”
“Tell me a joke.”