Get Fit with Siri: Voice Command Examples for Workouts

If you’re looking to get fit and want to incorporate Siri into your workout routine, then you’re in luck! With “Get Fit with Siri: Voice Command Examples for Workouts,” you can use your iPhone or Apple Watch to simplify your exercise routine. Below are some voice command examples you can use to get started.

#1 Warm-up Exercise Voice Commands

“Start a five-minute warm-up.”
“Start a ten-minute warm-up.”
“Start a fifteen-minute warm-up.”
“Start a twenty-minute warm-up.”
“Begin the warm-up.”
“Pause the warm-up.”
“Resume the warm-up.”
“End the warm-up.”

#2 Yoga Exercise Voice Commands

“Start a yoga workout.”
“Begin the sun salutation sequence.”
“Pause the yoga workout.”
“Resume the yoga workout.”
“End the yoga workout.”
“Tell me how to do downward dog.”
“What’s the proper form for warrior pose?”
“Show me how to do lotus pose.”

#3 Cardio Exercise Voice Commands

“Start a cardio workout.”
“Begin a thirty-minute run.”
“Start a fifteen-minute jog.”
“Begin a ten-minute walk.”
“Start a twenty-minute bike ride.”
“Pause the cardio workout.”
“Resume the cardio workout.”
“End the cardio workout.”

#4 Strength Training Exercise Voice Commands

“Begin a strength training workout.”
“Start a resistance band workout.”
“Begin a workout for abs and core.”
“Start a push-up challenge.”
“Start a squat challenge.”
“Pause the strength training workout.”
“Resume the strength training workout.”
“End the strength training workout.”

#5 Cool-down Exercise Voice Commands

“Start a cool-down.”
“Begin a ten-minute cool-down.”
“Start a five-minute stretch.”
“Begin a fifteen-minute stretch.”
“Pause the cool-down.”
“Resume the cool-down.”
“End the cool-down.”
“Finish the workout.”