Definitive ChatGPT Prompts for Writing an Article

As an avid blogger and content creator, I’m always looking for ways to streamline my writing process. Recently, I’ve become fascinated with ChatGPT and how it can help generate ideas and draft full articles with just a few prompts.

After testing out countless prompts, I’ve compiled my definitive list of the best ChatGPT prompts for writing a blog article from start to finish. Whether you need help brainstorming topics, outlining sections, or even writing the full first draft, ChatGPT can seriously expedite your workflow.

Keep reading as I walk through my favorite prompts for using this groundbreaking AI to write better and faster.

Brainstorming Topic Ideas

Staring at a blank page with no idea what to write about is frustrating and unproductive. To get the ball rolling, I use ChatGPT to quickly generate a list of potential blog topics that are on-trend and interesting.

My go-to prompt is:

“Suggest 10 creative blog post topic ideas related to [niche] that would appeal to [target audience].”

For example, if I was interested in marketing topics for entrepreneurs, I could ask:

“Suggest 10 creative blog post ideas related to digital marketing that would appeal to new startup founders.”

ChatGPT instantly returns a bulleted list of super specific, on-point topic suggestions that I can review and choose from. It saves so much time versus trying to brainstorm ideas completely solo.

Outlining the Article Structure

Once I’ve settled on a winning topic, the next step is structuring the article format. Instead of creating the outline myself, I let ChatGPT do the heavy lifting.

My prompt for this is:

“Provide a detailed outline for a 1300-word blog article about [topic]. Include an intro paragraph summarizing the main focus, 4-5 key sections with subheadings, and a conclusion driving home the main point. Use bullet points.”

The AI puts together an organized, fleshed out outline in seconds, giving me an easy template to follow for writing the rest of the piece. I may tweak a few section headers, but overall it’s a huge starting point.

Writing the First Draft

Here’s where ChatGPT really shines — writing an entire first draft for me to then edit and polish up.

My go-to initial draft prompt is:

“Write a complete 1300-word first draft blog article about [topic] based on this outline: [insert outline]. Use an engaging, conversational tone with creative descriptions. Bold key points and use headers to organize sections.”

While the AI writes the draft, I can switch to working on other projects. Then when the draft is complete, I review it to flesh out any thin areas, improve wording, or add my own unique commentary.

But not having to actually write that full first pass saves me so much work. I simply polish up what’s already there rather than building from nothing.

Inserting Data for Credibility

I always want data-backed stats and expert opinions in my articles to add credibility. But searching for and compiling all these facts myself is time consuming.

So I use this prompt as needed whenever writing an article draft:

“Insert 4-5 relevant statistics, expert quotes, or data points related to [topic] with properly formatted in-text citations.”

ChatGPT scours the internet for charts, survey results, scientific studies, and quotes from industry leaders. Then it perfectly integrates these into my article draft in APA citation style.

This level of automatic research would take me much longer to complete on my own. Having the AI handle it makes my articles more credible without hardly any extra effort.

Useful Websites

  • Writesonic – 215+ chatGPT prompt examples for writing articles and other content
  • Taskade – AI prompt generator with details on how to create effective prompts
  • Growth Tribe – 100+ prompts for any scenario including writing, marketing, and more
  • Narrato – Content creation prompts to get the most out of ChatGPT

I hope these ChatGPT prompt examples help you write your next blog article faster and easier! Let me know in the comments if you have any other go-to prompts for using AI to improve your writing.