Cool Alexa voice commands: Try these out!

Below, we have listed some cool Alexa voice commands that you can try out and have fun with. These commands will not only make your life easier but also add a touch of convenience to it. So, go ahead and give these voice commands a try!

#1 Music and Entertainment

“Play some rock music.”
“Play the latest song by Ariana Grande.”
“Turn up the volume.”
“Skip this song.”
“Play some jazz music.”
“Play my workout playlist.”
“Play the most popular songs of the 90s.”

#2 Smart Home

“Turn on the lights.”
“Turn off the TV.”
“Dim the lights.”
“Set the temperature to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.”
“Lock the front door.”
“Open the garage door.”
“Turn on the coffee maker.”
“Start the dishwasher.”

#3 Productivity

“Set a timer for 30 minutes.”
“Add bread to my grocery list.”
“Remind me to take my medicine in an hour.”
“Create a reminder for my doctor’s appointment.”
“What’s on my calendar for today?”
“Send a message to Jason saying, ‘I’ll be there in 10 minutes.’ ”
“Call my boss.”
“Tell me a joke.”

#4 News and Information

“What’s the weather like today?”
“What’s the news for today?”
“Who won the game last night?”
“Define the word ‘Altruistic.'”
“How far is it from here to San Francisco?”
“What’s the current time in London?”
“How do you bake a chocolate cake?”
“Tell me a fun fact.”

#5 Games and Fun

“Tell me a riddle.”
“Play the Jeopardy game.”
“Open the magic 8-ball game.”
“Play truth or dare.”
“Start the Would You Rather game.”
“Play a game of rock-paper-scissors.”
“Ask Alexa to roll a dice.”
“Sing me a nursery rhyme.”