Best ChatGPT Prompt for Website Copy

Your website copy is often the first impression you make on visitors. Crafting compelling copy that clearly communicates what you offer is critical for conveying value, building trust, and ultimately driving conversions.

I regularly work with small business owners and entrepreneurs to optimize their websites. Over the years, I’ve seen firsthand how powerful quality copy can be. When done right, it educates readers on how you can solve their problems and motivates them to take action.

On the other hand, vague, overly salesy, or downright confusing copy is an immediate turnoff. It damages credibility and causes visitors to hit the back button.

AI Tools for Better Website Copy

As a solopreneur wearing multiple hats, I know how tough it can be to dedicate time and energy solely to writing top-notch copy.

That’s where AI writing assistants like ChatGPT come in handy. While not a substitute for human creativity and strategy, they can generate drafts and ideas to significantly streamline the process.

Crafting Effective AI Prompts

The key is properly framing what you need through detailed prompts and constraints:

  • Clearly explain the goal
  • Outline tone, target audience
  • Set optimal length
  • Provide examples of ideal finished copy

This gives the AI guardrails for outputting helpful suggestions you can refine or draw inspiration from.

Below I share some of my favorite prompts for website copy.

Go-To ChatGPT Prompts

Homepage Intro

Write a friendly, benefit-focused 150-word introductory paragraph for the homepage of a website selling eco-friendly cleaning products. Use second person point of view.

About Page Mission Statement

Write a passionate 75-100 word mission statement for the About page of an online life coaching business focused on helping mid-career professionals find fulfilling work. Emphasize purpose over profits.  

Services Page Description

Compose a detailed 175-200 word description of a social media management service for the Services page of a digital marketing agency. Explain exactly what's included and focus on value provided. Use industry jargon sparingly.

Additional Prompt Examples

  • Product benefits vs. features
  • Common customer objections
  • SEO-optimized meta descriptions
  • Testimonials
  • Calls-to-action

I also recommend checking out and Jasper for more advanced AI copywriting capabilities.

The key is taking the time to carefully craft prompts that frame exactly what you want to convey on each page. Start with a basic template, test it out, and iterate until you land on something promising.

Wrap Up

At the end of the day, AI is simply meant to augment our existing skills, not replace them. The most effective website copy will always require some degree of human touch to connect with visitors.

However, by strategically tapping into tools like ChatGPT, we can eliminate much of the busywork holding us back from writing copy that sells.

The prompts above should give you a template to start experimenting with AI for drafting website copy. Let me know if you have any other questions!