Best ChatGPT Prompt for SEO

ChatGPT is an exciting new AI chatbot that can be used to enhance SEO efforts. With the right prompts, ChatGPT can help with various aspects of search engine optimization, from conducting keyword research to generating optimized content.

In this article, I’ll share some of the best ChatGPT prompts for SEO to help improve your website’s search visibility. Whether you’re just starting out in SEO or are a seasoned pro, these prompts can save you time and effort.

What is ChatGPT?

For those new to ChatGPT, it’s an AI system developed by OpenAI that can understand natural language prompts and provide detailed responses. Essentially it can have conversations just like a human.

Some key things to know:

  • Trained on vast amounts of text data to generate human-like responses
  • Can answer questions, write content, translate text, and more based on prompts
  • Currently free to use (with some limitations)
  • Being rapidly adopted by marketers and SEO professionals

ChatGPT Prompts for Keyword Research

Thorough keyword research is the foundation of any good SEO strategy. Here are some prompts to have ChatGPT help with keyword discovery and analysis:

Generate a list of 10-20 long-tail keyword ideas related to [your topic]
Classify the following list of keywords by search volume (high, medium, low) [list keywords]
Suggest 5-10 questions people may ask when searching about [your topic]

While handy for ideation, ChatGPT doesn’t have up-to-date search volume data. So you’ll still need tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, or Google Keyword Planner.

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation

ChatGPT really shines when it comes to writing SEO-optimized content. Here are some great prompts:

Blog Post Ideas and Outlines

Suggest 5 blog post ideas for [your site] targeting the keyword [primary keyword]. Include the title and 2-3 key points for each idea
Provide a detailed outline for a 1500 word beginner's guide blog post about [topic]. Include H2 and H3 headers with key points under each

Meta Descriptions

Write 3 meta description options for the page titled "[page title]"

Content Optimization

Improve the following meta title for better click-through rate: [meta title]
Revise this content to focus more on the keyword [primary keyword] without stuffing: [content] 

ChatGPT Prompts for Technical SEO

While you should be careful directly using content generated by ChatGPT on your site, it can still help with some technical SEO tasks:

Site Architecture

Suggest ways to improve the information architecture of an ecommerce website selling [type of products] 

Schema Markup

Provide schema markup for an FAQ page in both JSON-LD and Microdata formats


As you can see, ChatGPT can be prompted to assist with many different SEO tasks. I encourage you to experiment with your own prompts and see how else it can aid your efforts.

Just remember that ChatGPT has its limitations too. It doesn’t have up-to-date data and its content, while impressively human-like, needs oversight. Use it as a productivity tool rather than expecting it to fully replace manual efforts.

Have you discovered any other handy SEO prompts for ChatGPT? Let me know in the comments!