Best ChatGPT Prompt for Nutrition

ChatGPT is an incredibly useful tool for getting customized nutrition advice and meal plans. With the right prompts, you can get tailored recommendations based on your health goals, dietary restrictions, budget, and more. Here are some of the best ChatGPT prompts for nutrition to try.

Get Personalized Nutrition Advice

This prompt provides personalized nutrition advice based on your details:

I am [age] years old, [height], [current weight]. My goal is to [lose weight, gain muscle, etc.]. I [have/don't have] any dietary restrictions or allergies. Provide tailored nutrition advice for me to meet my goal, including optimal caloric intake, macronutrient targets, meal timing strategies, and food suggestions.  

ChatGPT will give you specific guidelines and recommendations based on the details you provide. You can tweak the prompt further by adding fitness levels, health conditions, likes/dislikes, and more.

Generate Healthy Meal Plans

For customized meal plans:

Please generate a healthy [1/2/3 week] meal plan for me with [3 meals and 2 snacks per day]. The meal plan should be [~1500/~2000] calories per day, include [vegan/vegetarian/gluten-free/etc.] options, and cost under [$XX per week] for groceries. Include recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

ChatGPT provides meal ideas, full recipes, and even shopping lists to match your needs. Get creative with ingredients, cook times, cuisines, and other preferences.

Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan

Trying intermittent fasting? This prompt has you covered:

Please provide a sample 1 week intermittent fasting meal plan for [16:8, 18:6, etc.] fast with feeding window between [XX am] to [XX pm]. The meal plan should include [~1500/~2000] calories per day within the feeding window. Include healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

ChatGPT will structure meals and recipes within your eating window for an easy intermittent fasting diet.

More ChatGPT Prompt Examples

Here are a few more ideas to try:

  • Weight loss meal plan prompt
  • Build muscle meal plan prompt
  • Kid-friendly meal plan prompt
  • Meal prep prompts for quick recipes
  • Grocery shopping list prompt

And when in doubt, ask ChatGPT to improve its own prompts! The possibilities are endless with this creative AI.

Useful Nutrition and Diet Websites

Start crafting the perfect nutrition prompts for your needs today. ChatGPT makes it easy to get expert-level guidance to meet your health goals.