All You Need: Siri’s Best Voice Command Examples

If you own an iPhone, iPad, or any Apple device, you’re already familiar with Siri, the voice assistant that can help you with anything you need. Siri is an incredibly powerful tool that can save you time, help you stay organized, and streamline your daily life. Below, you’ll find some of the best voice command examples you can use with Siri that showcase its capabilities. From setting reminders to playing music, Siri can help you with all of your needs!

#1 Reminders and Alarms

“Set a reminder for 5 PM.”
“Wake me up at 6 AM tomorrow.”
“Remind me to call my mom in 30 minutes.”
“Create an alarm for every weekday at 7 AM.”
“Remind me to water my plants every Sunday at 2 PM.”

#2 Time and Date

“What time is it?”
“What’s today’s date?”
“What’s the time difference between New York and Tokyo?”
“When is the next full moon?”
“When is sunset today?”

#3 Navigation

“Directions to Starbucks.”
“How long will it take to get to the mall?”
“Where is the nearest gas station?”
“Show me the nearest sushi restaurant.”
“Find me a hotel in San Francisco.”

#4 Music

“Play Despacito.”
“Skip this song.”
“Turn the volume up.”
“Shuffle my playlist.”
“What song is this?”

#5 Weather

“What’s the weather like today?”
“Will it rain tomorrow?”
“What’s the temperature in Miami?”
“Is it windy outside?”
“Do I need an umbrella today?”

#6 Messaging

“Text my mom that I’ll be late.”
“Read my last message from John.”
“Send a message to Sarah saying I’ll meet her at 8 PM.”
“Set a timer for 10 minutes.”
“Call my boss.”

#7 Productivity

“What’s my schedule for today?”
“Create a new note.”
“Open Safari on my iPhone.”
“Set a timer for 30 minutes.”
“Remind me to go for a walk in an hour.”

#8 Miscellaneous

“How do I say ‘thank you’ in Spanish?”
“Define ‘serendipity’.”
“Roll a dice.”
“What’s the value of pi?”
“Can you tell me a joke?”