Alexa Dish Commands: Effortlessly Control Your Kitchen with Voice

If you’re looking to streamline your cooking and cleaning routine, consider using Alexa dish commands. With this feature, you can control your kitchen with just your voice, freeing up your hands and making meal prep and clean-up easier than ever before. Below you’ll find a selection of voice command examples that you can use to get started.

#1 Meal Planning and Preparation

“Alexa, add chicken to my grocery list.”
“Alexa, what can I make with ground beef?”
“Alexa, how do I make lasagna?”
“Alexa, set a timer for 10 minutes.”
“Alexa, preheat the oven to 375 degrees.”

#2 Cooking Time Management

“Alexa, how much time is left on my timer?”
“Alexa, stop my timer.”
“Alexa, set a new timer for 20 minutes.”
“Alexa, pause my timer.”
“Alexa, resume my timer.”

#3 Recipe Selection and Guidance

“Alexa, find me a recipe for macaroni and cheese.”
“Alexa, how many calories are in this dish?”
“Alexa, what substitutes can I make for sour cream?”
“Alexa, can you help me convert tablespoons to teaspoons?”
“Alexa, how many servings does this recipe make?”

#4 Dishwashing and Cleaning

“Alexa, start the dishwasher.”
“Alexa, pause the dishwasher.”
“Alexa, how much time is left on the dishwasher cycle?”
“Alexa, add dish soap to my shopping list.”
“Alexa, order more dishwasher detergent.”