14 Alexa Commands for Yale Smart Living

“Alexa, open Yale Smart Living”

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living is the alarm armed?”

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living to arm my alarm”

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living arm the alarm”

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living what can I say?”

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living did I lock everything?”

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living arm my security panel in away mode”

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living arm my security panel in away mode”

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living turn on the {lamp name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living turn on the desk lamp

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living turn off the {lamp name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living turn off the desk lamp

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living is the {lamp name} on?”. Example: “Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living is the desk lamp on?”

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living lock the {door name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living lock the front door

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living unlock the {door name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living unlock the front door

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living is the {door name} open?”. Example: “Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living is the back door open?”

“Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living is the {door name} locked?”. Example: “Alexa, ask Yale Smart Living is the back door locked?”