16 Alexa Commands for TODOIST

To-Do List

“Alexa, create a new to-do”

“Alexa, I need to make an appointment with the lawyer”

“Alexa, add pick up the kids tomorrow at {number} pm to my To-do list”. Example: Alexa, add pick up the kids tomorrow at 4 pm to my To-do list”

“Alexa, what’s on my To-do list?”

“Alexa, add pay the rent every first to my To-do list”

“Alexa, complete pick up the kids”

“Alexa, add the following event at {number} am tomorrow: call the gardener”. Example: “Alexa, add the following event at 7 am tomorrow: call the gardener”

“Alexa, mark the task ‘call the gardener’ as complete”

“Alexa, add pay the telephone bill every first to my To-do list”

“Alexa, add ‘go to the hospital’ to my to-do list”

“Alexa, add ‘House payment’ every 4th of the month to my to-do list”

Shopping List

“Alexa, add buy coffee to my Shopping list”

“Alexa, what’s on my Shopping list?”

“Alexa, complete buy coffee”

“Alexa, add meat to my shopping list”

“Alexa, I need to buy lotion”