13 Alexa Commands for Tivo

Commands like “Pause” or “Play” are also used in other Alexa skills. So, to use them, you may need to add “on TiVo” when you issue the command. For example, “Alexa, play on TiVo”.

“Alexa, pause”

“Alexa, play”

“Alexa, fast forward”

“Alexa fast forward again”

“Alexa, previous”

“Alexa, skip”

“Alexa, next”

“Alexa, go to Guide”

“Alexa, go to Home”

“Alexa, go to settings”

“Alexa, change the channel to {number}”. Example: “Alexa, change the channel to 7

“Alexa, watch {channel name}”. Eaxmple: “Alexa, watch CBS

“Alexa, launch {app name}”. Example: “Alexa, launch Netflix