40 Alexa Commands for ROBOROCK


“Alexa, ask robo rock to clean”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to start cleaning”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to vacuum”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to start vacuuming”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to clean with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to clean with Toyo

“Alexa, ask robo rock to start cleaning with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to start cleaning with Toyo

“Alexa, ask robo rock to vacuum with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to vacuum with Toyo

“Alexa, ask robo rock to start vacuuming with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to start vacuuming with Toyo

“Alexa, ask robo rock to clean the {room}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to clean the bedrooom

“Alexa, ask robo rock to start vacuuming in the {room}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to start vacuuming in the bedrooom


“Alexa, ask robo rock to stop”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to stop cleaning”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to stop vacuuming”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to stop {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to stop Toyo

“Alexa, ask robo rock to stop cleaning with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to stop cleaning with Toyo

“Alexa, ask robo rock to stop vacuuming with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to stop vacuuming with Toyo


“Alexa, ask robo rock to pause”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to pause cleaning”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to pause {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to pause Toyo

“Alexa, ask robo rock to pause cleaning with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to pause cleaning with Toyo


“Alexa, ask robo rock to resume”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to resume with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to resume with Toyo


“Alexa, ask robo rock to change mode”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to change to silent”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to change to balanced”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to change to turbo”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to change to max”


“Alexa, ask robo rock to say hi”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to say hi for me”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to tell me what it’s doing?”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to tell me what is my vacuum doing”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to give me an update”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to dock”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to recharge”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to say hi with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to say hi with Toyo

“Alexa, ask robo rock to say hi for me with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to say hi for me with Toyo

“Alexa, ask robo rock to say where is my {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to say where is my Toyo

“Alexa, ask robo rock to dock with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to dock with Toyo

“Alexa, ask robo rock to send {robot name} home”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to send Toyo home”

“Alexa, ask robo rock to recharge with {robot name}”. Example: “Alexa, ask robo rock to recharge with Toyo