34 Alexa Commands for LG TV

If you want to use the commands below, you must enable the “LG ThinQ – Basic” or “LG ThinQ – Complete” skills first.

LG ThinQ – Basic

“Alexa, turn TV on”

“Alexa, turn on TV”

“Alexa, turn TV off”

“Alexa, turn off TV”

“Alexa, play on TV”

“Alexa, pause on TV”

“Alexa, resume on TV”

“Alexa, stop on TV”

“Alexa, rewind on TV”

“Alexa, fast forward on TV”

“Alexa, change the input to HDMI1”

“Alexa, change the input to {input}”

“Alexa, volume up on TV”

“Alexa, volume down on TV”

“Alexa, set volume to {number} on TV”. Example: “Alexa, set volume to 50 on TV”

“Alexa, mute TV”

“Alexa, unmute TV”

“Alexa, change channel to {number} on TV”. Example: “Alexa, change channel to 7 on TV”

“Alexa, change channel to {name} on TV”

LG ThinQ – Complete

“Alexa, ask LG to turn up the screen brightness on TV”

“Alexa, ask LG to turn down the screen brightness on TV”

“Alexa, ask LG to turn on subtitles on TV”

“Alexa, ask LG to turn off subtitles on TV”

“Alexa, ask LG to launch {app name} on TV”. Example: “Alexa, ask LG to launch Web Browser on TV”

“Alexa, ask LG to search {VOD title} on TV”

“Alexa, ask LG to search movies with {actor} on TV”. Example: “Alexa, ask LG to search movies with Will Smith on TV”

“Alexa, ask LG to show recommended videos on TV”

“Alexa, ask LG to search my photos on TV”

“Alexa, ask LG to search my videos on TV”

“Alexa, ask LG to search my music on TV”

“Alexa, ask LG what is the soundtrack of this program on TV?”

“Alexa, ask LG who is the director of this program on TV?”

“Alexa, ask LG what year was this program produced on TV?”

“Alexa, ask LG to give me a summary of this program on TV?”